Annotation Type Progress

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface Progress
    ProgressStatus of a command. Indicates this command generates progress status as it executes. Use this annotation to inject a ProgressStatus instance. The ProgressStatus object can be used to asynchronously generate ongoing progress messages and command completion information. A Command annotated with @Progress will also be a ManagedJob which will be managed by the Job Manager
    mmares, Bhakti Mehta
    See Also:
    ProgressStatus, JobManager
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String name
      Optional: Context of the progress.
      int totalStepCount
      Number of steps necessary to complete the operation.
    • Element Detail

      • name

        String name
        Optional: Context of the progress. Generally this is the command name. The name will be included in the command's progress output. Default: command name or the server instance name for replicated commands.
      • totalStepCount

        int totalStepCount
        Number of steps necessary to complete the operation. Value is used to determine percentage of work completed and can be changed using ProgressStatus.setTotalStepCount If the step count is not established then a completion percentage will not be included in the progress output.
        See Also: