Class LogHelper

  • public final class LogHelper
    extends Object
    Class providing helper APIs for logging purposes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LogHelper

        public LogHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • log

        public static void log​(Logger logger,
                               Level level,
                               String messageId,
                               Throwable thrown,
                               Object... params)
        Logs a message with the given level, message, parameters and Throwable.
        logger - the Logger object to be used for logging the message.
        level - the Level of the message to be logged.
        messageId - the key in the resource bundle of the Logger containing the localized text.
        thrown - the Throwable associated with the message to be logged.
        params - the parameters to the localized text.
      • getFormattedMessage

        public static String getFormattedMessage​(Logger logger,
                                                 String msgKey,
                                                 Object... params)
        Gets the formatted message given the message key and parameters. The ResourceBundle associated with the logger is searched for the specified key.
        logger -
        msgKey -
        params -