Interface InvocationManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Contract public interface InvocationManager
InvocationManager provides interface to keep track of component context on a per-thread basis
  • Method Details

    • preInvoke

      <T extends ComponentInvocation> void preInvoke(T inv) throws InvocationException
      To be called by a Container to indicate that the Container is about to invoke a method on a component. The preInvoke and postInvoke must be called in pairs and well-nested.
      inv - the Invocation object
    • postInvoke

      <T extends ComponentInvocation> void postInvoke(T inv) throws InvocationException
      To be called by a Container to indicate that the Container has just completed the invocation of a method on a component. The preInvoke and postInvoke must be called in pairs and well-nested.
      inv - the Invocation object
    • getCurrentInvocation

      <T extends ComponentInvocation> T getCurrentInvocation()
      Returns the current Invocation object associated with the current thread
    • getPreviousInvocation

      <T extends ComponentInvocation> T getPreviousInvocation() throws InvocationException
      Returns the previous Invocation object associated with the current thread. Returns null if there is none. This is typically used when a component A calls another component B within the same VM. In this case, it might be necessary to obtain information related to both component A using getPreviousInvocation() and B using getCurrentInvocation()
    • isInvocationStackEmpty

      boolean isInvocationStackEmpty()
      return true iff no invocations on the stack for this thread
    • getAllInvocations

      List<? extends ComponentInvocation> getAllInvocations()
    • registerComponentInvocationHandler

      void registerComponentInvocationHandler(ComponentInvocation.ComponentInvocationType type, RegisteredComponentInvocationHandler handler)
    • pushAppEnvironment

      void pushAppEnvironment(ApplicationEnvironment env)
      To be called by the infrastructure to indicate that some user code not associated with any Jakarta EE specification may be called. In particular must be called by the Weld integration layer to indicate the application environment in which the portable extensions are running

      The pushAppEnvironment and popAppEnvironment must be called in pairs and well-nested.

      env - may not be null. Information about the application environment
    • peekAppEnvironment

      ApplicationEnvironment peekAppEnvironment()
      Gets the current application environment on the current thread
      The current ApplicationEnvironment, or null if there is none
    • popAppEnvironment

      void popAppEnvironment()
      To be called by the infrastructure to indicate that some user code not associated with any Jakarta EE specification is finished being called. In particular must be called by the Weld integration layer to indicate the application environment in which the portable extensions are running

      The pushAppEnvironment and popAppEnvironment must be called in pairs and well-nested.

      env - may not be null. Information about the application environment