Interface LifecycleEventContext

public interface LifecycleEventContext
LifecycleEventContext interface exposes the server-wide runtime environment that is created by ApplicationServer. This context has only accessors and is a subset of ServerContext used by the server runtime.
  • Method Details

    • getCmdLineArgs

      String[] getCmdLineArgs()
      Get the server command-line arguments
    • getInstallRoot

      String getInstallRoot()
      Get server install root
    • getInstanceName

      String getInstanceName()
      Get the server instance name
    • getInitialContext

      InitialContext getInitialContext()
      Get the initial naming context.
    • log

      void log(String message)
      Writes the specified message to a server log file.
      message - a String specifying the message to be written to the log file
    • log

      void log(String message, Throwable throwable)
      Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for a given Throwable exception to the server log file.
      message - a String that describes the error or exception
      throwable - the Throwable error or exception