All Classes and Interfaces

Implements most of the internal system administrator.
The Attribute interface defines an interface for interacting with individual Attributes.
An interface that represents a collectoin of Attributes.
The AuthenticationService provides basic authentication functions.
The AuthenticationService Configuration
The factory of AuthenticationService instances used by the SecurityScopeContext.
The Authentication Service Implementation.
Common attribute names, used in authorization and set by code using the authorization service.
AuthorizationProvider instances are used by a AuthorizationService to make access authorization decisions.
The AuthorizationService interface provides methods that allow server and container to determine whether access should be allowed to a particular resource.
This interface represents a PolicyDeploymentContext as returned by the Authorization Service's findOrCreateDeploymentContext() method.
AuthorizationServiceImpl implements AuthorizationService by delegating authorization decisions to configured instances.
Extends the AzAttributes interface to provide a type-safe interface for Action attributes.
AzAttributeResolver provides runtime resolution of attributes.
Extends the Attributes interface to provide an abstract layer specifically for Authorization attributes.
AzAttributesImpl implements AzAttributes to provide an abstract layer specifically for Authorization attributes.
Extends the AzAttributes interface to provide a type-safe interface for Environment attributes.
Extends the AzAttributes interface to provide a type-safe interface for Obligations attributes.
Extends the AzAttributes interface to provide a type-safe interface for Resource attributes.
The AzResult class represents the result of an authorization decision.
The possible authorization decision values.
The possible authorization status values.
Extends the AzAttributes interface to provide a type-safe interface for Subject attributes.
General create LoginModule config command.
General create security provider command.
General create security service command.
The Impersonation Service
The Impersonation Service Implementation.
Exposes as a service the JCEKS implementation of the domain-scoped password alias store.
Provides the PasswordAliasStore behavior using a JCEKS keystore.
A convenience command to configure LDAP for administration.
The LoginModule configuration used for a security provider plugin.
Nucleus (open-source) implementation of the InternalSystemAdministrator contract.
RoleMappingProvider instances are used by the RoleMappingService to evaluate role policy conditions.
The RoleMappingService provides functions that determine a user's role.
This interface represents a RoleDeploymentContext as returned by the Role Mapping Service's findOrCreateDeploymentContext() method.
RoleMappingServiceImpl implements RoleMappingService by delegating role mapping decisions to configured instances.
Qualifier used to enable a security check at the point of service injection or lookup.
Upgrades the configuration to use the default file realm and the login module which handles non-username/password admin authentication.
Base interface for all security service configurations.
The top level security configuration which holds the list of configured security services.
The Security Context Service maintains context needed by various security services.
The configuration that is used by a security service to identify the set of security providers which are created and consumed by the service.
Base interface used by all security providers
Base interface for all security provider implementation configuration.
Scope used by security services that enables a flexible binding to service instances.
The security context used to enable the scoping of security service instances.
Base interface used by all security services.
The base security service factory class.
The security service logging class.
The StateManager determines the security service instance selection.