Interface AuthorizationService.PolicyDeploymentContext

Enclosing interface:

public static interface AuthorizationService.PolicyDeploymentContext
This interface represents a PolicyDeploymentContext as returned by the Authorization Service's findOrCreateDeploymentContext() method. The PolicyDeploymentContext is used to configure authorization policy for an application (or server administration) context. It represents the body of policy that applies to the given context. A PolicyDeploymentContext is always in one of three states: open, closed/inService, or deleted. When returned by the Authorization service, a context is in an open state. Policies can be added or deleted while in the open state, but the context is not in service. Upon calling commit(), the context is closed and the policies are place in service. Upon calling delete(), the context is taken out of service and the policies are deleted from the Authorization Provider.
  • Method Details

    • addRolePolicy

      void addRolePolicy(String role, String resource, String action)
    • addUncheckedPolicy

      void addUncheckedPolicy(String resource, String action)
    • addExcludedPolicy

      void addExcludedPolicy(String resource, String action)
    • removeRolePolicy

      void removeRolePolicy(String role)
    • removeRolePolicies

      void removeRolePolicies()
    • removeUncheckedPolicies

      void removeUncheckedPolicies()
    • removeExcludedPolicies

      void removeExcludedPolicies()
    • commit

      void commit()
    • delete

      void delete()