Class CertificateRealm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class CertificateRealm
    extends IASRealm
    Realm wrapper for supporting certificate authentication.

    The certificate realm provides the security-service functionality needed to process a client-cert authentication. Since the SSL processing, and client certificate verification is done by NSS, no authentication is actually done by this realm. It only serves the purpose of being registered as the certificate handler realm and to service group membership requests during web container role checks.

    There is no JAAS LoginModule corresponding to the certificate realm, therefore this realm does not require the jaas-context configuration parameter to be set. The purpose of a JAAS LoginModule is to implement the actual authentication processing, which for the case of this certificate realm is already done by the time execution gets to Java.

    The certificate realm needs the following properties in its configuration: None.

    The following optional attributes can also be specified:

    • assign-groups - A comma-separated list of group names which will be assigned to all users who present a cryptographically valid certificate. Since groups are otherwise not supported by the cert realm, this allows grouping cert users for convenience.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CertificateRealm

        public CertificateRealm()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        protected void init​(Properties props)
                     throws BadRealmException,
        Initialize a realm with some properties. This can be used when instantiating realms from their descriptions. This method is invoked from Realm during initialization.
        init in class Realm
        props - Initialization parameters used by this realm.
        BadRealmException - If the configuration parameters identify a corrupt realm.
        NoSuchRealmException - If the configuration parameters specify a realm which doesn't exist.
      • getAuthType

        public String getAuthType()
        Returns a short (preferably less than fifteen characters) description of the kind of authentication which is supported by this realm.
        Specified by:
        getAuthType in class Realm
        Description of the kind of authentication that is directly supported by this realm.
      • authenticate

        public void authenticate​(Subject subject,
                                 X500Principal principal)
        Complete authentication of certificate user.

        As noted, the certificate realm does not do the actual authentication (signature and cert chain validation) for the user certificate, this is done earlier in NSS. This method simply sets up the security context for the user in order to properly complete the authentication processing.

        If any groups have been assigned to cert-authenticated users through the assign-groups property these groups are added to the security context for the current user.

        subject - The Subject object for the authentication request.
        principal - The X500Principal object from the user certificate.