Class PasswordLoginModule

    • Constructor Detail

      • PasswordLoginModule

        public PasswordLoginModule()
    • Method Detail

      • commitAuthentication

        public final void commitAuthentication​(String username,
                                               String password,
                                               Realm theRealm,
                                               String[] groups)
        Maintain RI compatibility.

        This is a convenience method which can be used by subclasses to complete the steps required by RI legacy authentication code. Most of this should go away if a clean JAAS/Subject based infrastructure is provided. But for now this must be done.

        Note that this method is called after the authentication has succeeded. If authentication failed do not call this method.

        A lot of the RI behavior is still present here. Some of the most notable points to remember:

        • Global instance field succeeded is set to true by this method.
        username - Name of authenticated user.
        password - Password of this user.
        theRealm - Current Realm object for this authentication.
        groups - String array of group memberships for user (could be empty).
      • commitAuthentication

        public final void commitAuthentication​(String username,
                                               char[] password,
                                               Realm theRealm,
                                               String[] groups)
        Since the passwords are to be stored as to have char[] BT: 6946553. Retaining the other method for backward compatability
        username - Name of authenticated user.
        password - Password of this user in char[].
        theRealm - Current Realm object for this authentication.
        groups - String array of group memberships for user (could be empty).
      • authenticate

        protected abstract void authenticate()
                                      throws LoginException
        Perform authentication decision. Method returns silently on success and returns a LoginException on failure. To be implmented by sub-classes
        Throws: - on authentication failure.