Class DisableSecureAdminCommand

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DisableSecureAdminCommand
    extends SecureAdminCommand
    Adjusts the DAS configuration to turn off secure admin, as if by executing these commands:
    asadmin -s set
    asadmin -s delete-protocol sec-admin-listener
    asadmin -s delete-protocol admin-http-redirect
    asadmin -s delete-protocol pu-protocol
    Tim Quinn
    • Constructor Detail

      • DisableSecureAdminCommand

        public DisableSecureAdminCommand()
    • Method Detail

      • transactionErrorMessageKey

        protected String transactionErrorMessageKey()
        Description copied from class: SecureAdminCommand
        Returns the error key for finding a message describing an error during the operation - either enable or disable.

        Each concrete subclass overrides this to supply the relevant message key.

        Specified by:
        transactionErrorMessageKey in class SecureAdminCommand
        the message key corresponding to the error message to display