All Implemented Interfaces:
GlassFishUserManagement, GlassFishUserStore, Comparable<Realm>

@Service public final class FileRealm extends Realm
Realm implementation for supporting file password authentication.

In addition to the basic realm functionality, this class provides administration methods for the file realm.

Format of the keyfile used by this class is one line per user containing username;password;groups where:

  • username - Name string.
  • password - A salted SHA hash (SSHA) of the user password.
  • groups - A comma separated list of group memberships.

The file realm needs the following properties in its configuration:

  • file - Full path to the keyfile to load
  • jaas-ctx - JAAS context name used to access LoginModule for authentication.
Harry Singh, Jyri Virkki, Shing Wai Chan
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FileRealm

      public FileRealm(String keyfile) throws BadRealmException, NoSuchRealmException

      The created FileRealm instance is not registered in the Realm registry. This constructor can be used by admin tools to create a FileRealm instance which can be edited by adding or removing users and then saved to disk, without affecting the installed realm instance.

      The file provided should always exist. A default (empty) keyfile is installed with the server so this should always be the case unless the user has manually deleted this file. If this file path provided does not point to an existing file this constructor will first attempt to create it. If this succeeds the constructor returns normally and an empty keyfile will have been created; otherwise an exception is thrown.

      keyfile - Full path to the keyfile to read for user data.
      BadRealmException - If the configuration parameters identify a corrupt realm.
      NoSuchRealmException - If the configuration parameters specify a realm which doesn't exist.
    • FileRealm

      public FileRealm()
  • Method Details

    • getAuthType

      public String getAuthType()
      Returns a short (preferably less than fifteen characters) description of the kind of authentication which is supported by this realm.
      Specified by:
      getAuthType in class AbstractGlassFishRealmState
      Description of the kind of authentication that is directly supported by this realm.
    • getRealmFileNames

      public static List<String> getRealmFileNames(com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Config config)
      Return a list of the file names used by all file realms defined for the specified config.
      config - the config object
      a list of the file names for all files realms in the config
    • init

      protected void init(Properties props) throws BadRealmException, NoSuchRealmException
      Initialize a realm with some properties. This can be used when instantiating realms from their descriptions. This method is invoked from Realm during initialization.
      init in class AbstractGlassFishRealmState
      props - Initialization parameters used by this realm.
      BadRealmException - If the configuration parameters identify a corrupt realm.
      NoSuchRealmException - If the configuration parameters specify a realm which doesn't exist.
    • getUserNames

      public Enumeration<String> getUserNames() throws BadRealmException
      Returns names of all the users in this particular realm.
      enumeration of user names (strings)
      BadRealmException - if realm data structures are bad
    • getUser

      public User getUser(String name) throws NoSuchUserException
      Returns the information recorded about a particular named user.
      name - Name of the user whose information is desired.
      The user object.
      NoSuchUserException - if the user doesn't exist.
    • getGroupNames

      public Enumeration<String> getGroupNames() throws BadRealmException
      Returns names of all the groups in this particular realm. Note that this will not return assign-groups.
      enumeration of group names (strings)
      BadRealmException - if realm data structures are bad
    • getGroupNames

      public Enumeration<String> getGroupNames(String username) throws NoSuchUserException
      Returns the name of all the groups that this user belongs to.
      username - Name of the user in this realm whose group listing is needed.
      Enumeration of group names (strings).
      InvalidOperationException - thrown if the realm does not support this operation - e.g. Certificate realm does not support this operation.
    • refresh

      public void refresh() throws BadRealmException
      Refreshes the realm data so that new users/groups are visible.

      A new FileRealm instance is created and initialized from the keyfile on disk. The new instance is installed in the Realm registry so future Realm.getInstance() calls will obtain the new data. Any existing references to this instance (e.g. in active LoginModule sessions) are unaffected.

      BadRealmException - if realm data structures are bad
    • refresh

      public void refresh(String configName) throws BadRealmException
      Refreshes the realm data so that new users/groups are visible.

      A new FileRealm instance is created and initialized from the keyfile on disk. The new instance is installed in the Realm registry so future Realm.getInstance() calls will obtain the new data. Any existing references to this instance (e.g. in active LoginModule sessions) are unaffected.

      refresh in class AbstractGlassFishRealmState
      configName -
      config -
      BadRealmException - if realm data structures are bad
    • addUser

      public void addUser(String name, char[] password, String[] groupList) throws BadRealmException, IASSecurityException
      Adds new user to file realm. User cannot exist already.
      name - User name.
      password - Cleartext password for the user.
      groupList - List of groups to which user belongs.
      BadRealmException - If there are problems adding user.
    • removeUser

      public void removeUser(String name) throws NoSuchUserException, BadRealmException
      Remove user from file realm. User must exist.
      name - User name.
      NoSuchUserException - If user does not exist.
    • updateUser

      public void updateUser(String name, String newName, char[] password, String[] groups) throws NoSuchUserException, BadRealmException, IASSecurityException
      Update data for an existing user. User must exist.
      name - Current name of the user to update.
      newName - New name to give this user. It can be the same as the original name. Otherwise it must be a new user name which does not already exist as a user.
      password - Cleartext password for the user. If non-null the user password is changed to this value. If null, the original password is retained.
      groupList - List of groups to which user belongs.
      BadRealmException - If there are problems adding user.
      NoSuchUserException - If user does not exist.
    • authenticate

      public String[] authenticate(String user, char[] password)
      Authenticates a user.

      This method is invoked by the FileLoginModule in order to authenticate a user in the file realm. The authentication decision is kept within the realm class implementation in order to keep the password cache in a single location with no public accessors, to simplify future improvements.

      user - Name of user to authenticate.
      password - Password provided by client.
    • hasAuthenticatableUser

      public boolean hasAuthenticatableUser()
    • supportsUserManagement

      public boolean supportsUserManagement()
      true if the realm implementation support User Management (add,remove,update user)
    • persist

      public void persist() throws BadRealmException
      Persist the realm data to permanent storage