Class SecureAdminConfigUpgrade

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.glassfish.api.admin.config.ConfigurationUpgrade, org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct

@Service public class SecureAdminConfigUpgrade extends SecureAdminUpgradeHelper implements org.glassfish.api.admin.config.ConfigurationUpgrade, org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct
Upgrades older config to current. In 3.1.2 GlassFish uses SSL for DAS-to-instance traffic regardless of whether the user enables secure admin. This means that the upgrade must always:
  1. Create the secure-admin element.
  2. Add the glassfish-instance private key to the keystore and the corresponding self-signed cert to the truststore.
  3. Add secure-admin-principal children to secure-admin, one for alias s1as and one for glassfish-instance.
  4. Add the Grizzly config for the non-DAS admin listener configurations to use port unification and redirection (and SSL).
  5. If it seems the user has configured the old domain to use secure admin traffic then run the enable-secure-admin command.
Tim Quinn
  • Constructor Details

    • SecureAdminConfigUpgrade

      public SecureAdminConfigUpgrade()
  • Method Details

    • postConstruct

      public void postConstruct()
      Specified by:
      postConstruct in interface org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct