All Implemented Interfaces:

@Service public final class SolarisRealm extends IASRealm
Realm wrapper for supporting Solaris authentication.

The Solaris realm needs the following properties in its configuration:

  • jaas-ctx - JAAS context name used to access LoginModule for authentication.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SolarisRealm

      public SolarisRealm()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(Properties props) throws BadRealmException, NoSuchRealmException
      Initialize a realm with some properties. This can be used when instantiating realms from their descriptions. This method may only be called a single time.
      init in class Realm
      props - Initialization parameters used by this realm.
      BadRealmException - If the configuration parameters identify a corrupt realm.
      NoSuchRealmException - If the configuration parameters specify a realm which doesn't exist.
    • getAuthType

      public String getAuthType()
      Returns a short (preferably less than fifteen characters) description of the kind of authentication which is supported by this realm.
      Specified by:
      getAuthType in class Realm
      Description of the kind of authentication that is directly supported by this realm.
    • getGroupNames

      public Enumeration getGroupNames(String username) throws InvalidOperationException, NoSuchUserException
      Returns the name of all the groups that this user belongs to. This is called from web path role verification, though it should not be.
      Specified by:
      getGroupNames in class Realm
      username - Name of the user in this realm whose group listing is needed.
      Enumeration of group names (strings).
      InvalidOperationException - thrown if the realm does not support this operation - e.g. Certificate realm does not support this operation.
    • authenticate

      public String[] authenticate(String username, char[] password)
      Invoke the native authentication call.
      username - User to authenticate.
      password - Given password.