Interface AuthenticationHandler

public interface AuthenticationHandler
This interface is used by the Authentication Service to have the Principal authenticated by the realm. A realm provides an implementation of this interface.
Harish Prabandham, Harpreet Singh
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    doAuthentication(String principalName, byte[] authData)
    This method authenticates the given principal using the specified authentication data and the Principal's Credentials.
    Returns the Realm that this Authentication Handler is authenticating in.
  • Method Details

    • getRealm

      Realm getRealm()
      Returns the Realm that this Authentication Handler is authenticating in.
      The Realm object in which this handler is authenticating in.
    • doAuthentication

      boolean doAuthentication(String principalName, byte[] authData)
      This method authenticates the given principal using the specified authentication data and the Principal's Credentials. The result of the authentication is returned back.
      The - principal (user) being authenticated.
      The - data needed for authentication.
      boolean denoting true for success and false for failure authentication.