
This package contains the core Jakarta XML Web Services APIs.

References in this document to JAX-WS refer to the Jakarta XML Web Services unless otherwise noted.
References in this document to SAAJ refer to the Jakarta SOAP with Attachments unless otherwise noted.
References in this document to JAXB refer to the Jakarta XML Binding unless otherwise noted.
References in this document to JWS refer to the Jakarta Web Services Metadata unless otherwise noted.

  • Class
    The Action annotation allows explicit association of a WS-Addressing Action message addressing property with input, output, and fault messages of the mapped WSDL operation.
    The AsyncHandler interface is implemented by clients that wish to receive callback notification of the completion of service endpoint operations invoked asynchronously.
    The Binding interface is the base interface for JAX-WS protocol bindings.
    The BindingProvider interface provides access to the protocol binding and associated context objects for request and response message processing.
    The BindingType annotation is used to specify the binding to use for a web service endpoint implementation class.
    The Dispatch interface provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint operations.
    A Web service endpoint.
    EndpointContext allows multiple endpoints in an application to share any information.
    This class represents an WS-Addressing EndpointReference which is a remote reference to a web service endpoint.
    The FaultAction annotation is used inside an Action annotation to allow an explicit association of a WS-Addressing Action message addressing property with the fault messages of the WSDL operation mapped from the exception class.
    Holds a value of type T.
    The LogicalMessage interface represents a protocol agnostic XML message and contains methods that provide access to the payload of the message.
    The ProtocolException class is a base class for exceptions related to a specific protocol binding.
    Service endpoints may implement the Provider interface as a dynamic alternative to an SEI.
    Used to annotate methods in the Service Endpoint Interface with the request wrapper bean to be used at runtime.
    This feature clarifies the use of the wsdl:binding in a JAX-WS runtime.
    This feature clarifies the use of the wsdl:binding in a JAX-WS runtime.
    The Response interface provides methods used to obtain the payload and context of a message sent in response to an operation invocation.
    Used to annotate methods in the Service Endpoint Interface with the response wrapper bean to be used at runtime.
    Service objects provide the client view of a Web service.
    The orientation of a dynamic client or service.
    Used to indicate whether a Provider implementation wishes to work with entire protocol messages or just with protocol message payloads.
    Used to annotate the getPortName() methods of a generated service interface.
    Used to annotate service specific exception classes to customize to the local and namespace name of the fault element and the name of the fault bean.
    Used to annotate a generated service interface.
    A WebServiceContext makes it possible for a web service endpoint implementation class to access message context and security information relative to a request being served.
    The WebServiceException class is the base exception class for all JAX-WS API runtime exceptions.
    A WebServiceFeature is used to represent a feature that can be enabled or disabled for a web service.
    This class defines web service permissions.
    Used to annotate a Provider implementation class.
    The WebServiceRef annotation is used to define a reference to a web service and (optionally) an injection target for it.
    The WebServiceRefs annotation allows multiple web service references to be declared at the class level.