Interface Connection

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface Connection
This class represents a connection between a Jakarta XML Registries client and a Jakarta XML Registries provider.
Farrukh S. Najmi
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Closes a Connection when it is no longer needed.
    Gets the credentials associated with this client.
    Gets the RegistryService interface associated with the Connection.
    Indicated whether this Connection has been closed or not.
    Indicates whether a client uses synchronous communication with Jakarta XML Registries provider or not.
    setCredentials(Set credentials)
    Sets the Credentials associated with this client.
    setSynchronous(boolean sync)
    Sets whether the client uses synchronous communication or not.
  • Method Details

    • getRegistryService

      RegistryService getRegistryService() throws JAXRException
      Gets the RegistryService interface associated with the Connection. If a Connection property (e.g. credentials) is set after the client calls getRegistryService then the newly set Connection property is visible to the RegistryService previously returned by this call.
      Capability Level: 0
      the RegistryService associated with this object
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      See Also:
    • close

      void close() throws JAXRException
      Closes a Connection when it is no longer needed. Since a provider typically allocates significant resources outside the JVM on behalf of a Connection, clients should close them when they are not needed.
      Capability Level: 0
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • isClosed

      boolean isClosed() throws JAXRException
      Indicated whether this Connection has been closed or not.
      Capability Level: 0
      true if Connection is closed; false otherwise
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • isSynchronous

      boolean isSynchronous() throws JAXRException
      Indicates whether a client uses synchronous communication with Jakarta XML Registries provider or not. A Jakarta XML Registries provider must support both modes of communication. A Jakarta XML Registries client can choose which mode it wants to use.
      Capability Level: 0
      true if Connection is synchronous (default); false otherwise
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • setSynchronous

      void setSynchronous(boolean sync) throws JAXRException
      Sets whether the client uses synchronous communication or not. A Jakarta XML Registries client may dynamically change its communication style preference.
      Capability Level: 0
      sync - true if Connection is desired to be synchronous; false otherwise
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • setCredentials

      void setCredentials(Set credentials) throws JAXRException
      Sets the Credentials associated with this client. The credentials is used to authenticate the client with the Jakarta XML Registries provider. A Jakarta XML Registries client may dynamically change its identity by changing the credentials associated with it.
      Capability Level: 0
      credentials - a Collection oj java.lang.Objects which provide identity related information for the caller.
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • getCredentials

      Set getCredentials() throws JAXRException
      Gets the credentials associated with this client.
      Capability Level: 0
      Set of java.lang.Object instances. The Collection may be empty but not null.
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error