Interface QueryManager

All Known Subinterfaces:
BusinessQueryManager, DeclarativeQueryManager

public interface QueryManager
This is the common base interface for all QueryManagers in the API.
Farrukh S. Najmi
  • Method Details

    • getRegistryObject

      RegistryObject getRegistryObject(String id, String objectType) throws JAXRException
      Gets the RegistryObject specified by the Id and type of object.
      Capability Level: 0
      id - is the id of the Key for a RegistryObject.
      objectType - is a constant definition from LifeCycleManager that specifies the type of object desired.
      the RegistryObject, returned as its concrete type (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • getRegistryObject

      RegistryObject getRegistryObject(String id) throws JAXRException
      Gets the RegistryObject specified by the Id.
      Capability Level: 1
      id - the id for the desired object
      the RegistryObject, returned as its concrete type (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • getRegistryObjects

      BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(Collection objectKeys) throws JAXRException
      Gets the specified RegistryObjects. The objects are returned as their concrete type (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      Capability Level: 1
      objectKeys - a Collection of Key objects for the desired objects
      BulkResponse containing a heterogeneous Collection of RegistryObjects (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • getRegistryObjects

      BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(Collection objectKeys, String objectTypes) throws JAXRException
      Gets the specified RegistryObjects. The objects are returned as their concrete type (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      Capability Level: 0
      objectKeys - a Collection of Key objects for the desired objects
      objectTypes - a Collection of String objects that allow filtering desired objects by their type
      BulkResponse containing a heterogeneous Collection of RegistryObjects (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • getRegistryObjects

      BulkResponse getRegistryObjects() throws JAXRException
      Gets the RegistryObjects owned by the caller. The objects are returned as their concrete type (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      Capability Level: 0
      BulkResponse containing a heterogeneous Collection of RegistryObjects (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
    • getRegistryObjects

      BulkResponse getRegistryObjects(String objectType) throws JAXRException
      Gets the RegistryObjects owned by the caller, that are of the specified type. The objects are returned as their concrete type (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      Capability Level: 0
      objectType - Is a constant that defines the type of object sought. See LifeCycleManager for constants for object types.
      BulkResponse containing a heterogeneous Collection of RegistryObjects (e.g. Organization, User etc.).
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      See Also:
    • getRegistryService

      RegistryService getRegistryService() throws JAXRException
      Returns the parent RegistryService that created this object.
      Capability Level: 0
      the RegistryService created this object
      JAXRException - If the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      See Also: