Interface LifeCycleManager

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface LifeCycleManager
    The LifeCycleManager interface is the main interface in the API for managing life cycle operations on objects defined by the information model.

    The factory methods of this interface must throw an UnsupportedCapabilityException if the client attempts to create an instance of an infomodel interface that is not supported by the capability level of the Jakarta XML Registries provider.

    Farrukh S. Najmi
    • Method Detail

      • createObject

        Object createObject​(String interfaceName)
                     throws JAXRException,
        Creates instances of information model interfaces (factory method). To create an Organization, use this method as follows:
         Organization org = (Organization)
        Capability Level: 0
        interfaceName - the unqualified name of an interface in the javax.xml.registry.infomodel package
        an Object that can then be cast to an instance of the interface
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
        InvalidRequestException - if the interface is not an interface in the javax.xml.registry.infomodel package
        UnsupportedCapabilityException - if the client attempts to create an instance of an infomodel interface that is not supported by the capability level of the Jakarta XML Registries provider
      • createAssociation

        Association createAssociation​(RegistryObject targetObject,
                                      Concept associationType)
                               throws JAXRException
        Creates an Association instance using the specified parameters. The sourceObject is left null and will be set when the Association is added to a RegistryObject.

        Note that for a UDDI provider an Association may only be created between Organizations.

        Capability Level: 0
        targetObject - the target RegistryObject for the association
        associationType - the association type for the Association
        the Association instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createClassification

        Classification createClassification​(ClassificationScheme scheme,
                                            String name,
                                            String value)
                                     throws JAXRException
        Creates a Classification instance for an external Classification using the specified String name and String value that identify a taxonomy element within the specified ClassificationScheme.
        Capability Level: 0
        scheme - the ClassificationScheme to be used
        name - the name of the taxonomy element (a String)
        value - the value of the taxonomy element
        the Classification instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createClassification

        Classification createClassification​(ClassificationScheme scheme,
                                            InternationalString name,
                                            String value)
                                     throws JAXRException
        Creates a Classification instance for an external Classification using the specified InternationalString name and String value that identify a taxonomy element within the specified ClassificationScheme.
        Capability Level: 0
        scheme - the ClassificationScheme to be used
        name - the name of the taxonomy element (an InternationalString)
        value - the value of the taxonomy element
        the Classification instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createClassification

        Classification createClassification​(Concept concept)
                                     throws JAXRException,
        Creates a Classification instance for an internal Classification using the specified Concept that identifies a taxonomy element within an internal ClassificationScheme.
        Capability Level: 0
        concept - the Concept that identifies the taxonomy element
        the Classification instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
        InvalidRequestException - if the Concept is not under a ClassificationScheme
      • createClassificationScheme

        ClassificationScheme createClassificationScheme​(String name,
                                                        String description)
                                                 throws JAXRException,
        Creates a ClassificationScheme given the specified String parameters.
        Capability Level: 0
        name - the name of the ClassificationScheme (a String)
        description - a description of the ClassificationScheme (a String)
        the ClassificationScheme instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
        InvalidRequestException - if the request was invalid
      • createClassificationScheme

        ClassificationScheme createClassificationScheme​(Concept concept)
                                                 throws JAXRException,
        Creates a ClassificationScheme from a Concept that has no ClassificationScheme or parent Concept.

        This method is a special-case method to do a type-safe conversion from Concept to ClassificationScheme.

        This method is provided to allow for Concepts returned by the BusinessQueryManager findConcepts call to be safely cast to ClassificationScheme. It is up to the programmer to make sure that the Concept is indeed semantically a ClassificationScheme.

        This method is necessary because in the UDDI specification a tModel may serve multiple purposes, and there is no way to know when a tModel maps to a Concept and when it maps to a ClassificationScheme. The UDDI specification leaves the determination to the programmer, and consequently so does this method.

        Capability Level: 0
        concept - the Concept to be used
        the ClassificationScheme instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
        InvalidRequestException - if the Concept has a parent Concept or is under a ClassificationScheme
      • createConcept

        Concept createConcept​(RegistryObject parent,
                              String name,
                              String value)
                       throws JAXRException
        Creates a Concept instance using the specified parameters, where the name is a String.
        Capability Level: 0
        parent - a reference either to a parent ClassificationScheme or to a Concept
        name - the name of the concept (a String)
        value - the value of the concept
        the Concept instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createConcept

        Concept createConcept​(RegistryObject parent,
                              InternationalString name,
                              String value)
                       throws JAXRException
        Creates a Concept instance using the specified parameters, where the name is an InternationalString.
        Capability Level: 0
        parent - a reference either to a parent ClassificationScheme or to a Concept
        name - the name of the concept (an InternationalString)
        value - the value of the concept
        the Concept instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createEmailAddress

        EmailAddress createEmailAddress​(String address)
                                 throws JAXRException
        Creates an EmailAddress instance using an address as the parameter.
        Capability Level: 0
        address - the email address
        the EmailAddress instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createEmailAddress

        EmailAddress createEmailAddress​(String address,
                                        String type)
                                 throws JAXRException
        Creates an EmailAddress instance using both an address and a type as parameters.
        Capability Level: 0
        address - the email address
        type - the type of the address
        the EmailAddress instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createExternalIdentifier

        ExternalIdentifier createExternalIdentifier​(ClassificationScheme identificationScheme,
                                                    String name,
                                                    String value)
                                             throws JAXRException
        Creates an ExternalIdentifier instance using the specified parameters, where the name is a String.
        Capability Level: 0
        identificationScheme - the ClassificationScheme used
        name - the name of the external identifier (a String)
        value - the value of the external identifier
        the ExternalIdentifier instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createExternalIdentifier

        ExternalIdentifier createExternalIdentifier​(ClassificationScheme identificationScheme,
                                                    InternationalString name,
                                                    String value)
                                             throws JAXRException
        Creates an ExternalIdentifier instance using the specified parameters, where the name is an InternationalString.
        Capability Level: 0
        identificationScheme - the ClassificationScheme used
        name - the name of the external identifier (an InternationalString)
        value - the value of the external identifier
        the ExternalIdentifier instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createExternalLink

        ExternalLink createExternalLink​(String externalURI,
                                        String description)
                                 throws JAXRException
        Creates an ExternalLink instance using the specified parameters, where the description is a String.
        Capability Level: 0
        externalURI - the external URI
        description - a description of the link (a String)
        the ExternalLink instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createExternalLink

        ExternalLink createExternalLink​(String externalURI,
                                        InternationalString description)
                                 throws JAXRException
        Creates an ExternalLink instance using the specified parameters, where the description is an InternationalString.
        Capability Level: 0
        externalURI - the external URI
        description - a description of the link (an InternationalString)
        the ExternalLink instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createExtrinsicObject

        ExtrinsicObject createExtrinsicObject​(javax.activation.DataHandler repositoryItem)
                                       throws JAXRException
        Creates an ExtrinsicObject instance using the specified parameters.
        Capability Level: 1
        repositoryItem - the DataHandler for the repository item. Must not be null.
        the ExtrinsicObject instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createInternationalString

        InternationalString createInternationalString()
                                               throws JAXRException
        Creates an empty InternationalString instance.
        Capability Level: 0
        the InternationalString instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createInternationalString

        InternationalString createInternationalString​(String s)
                                               throws JAXRException
        Creates an InternationalString instance using a String parameter and the default Locale.
        Capability Level: 0
        s - the String from which to create the InternationalString
        the InternationalString instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createInternationalString

        InternationalString createInternationalString​(Locale l,
                                                      String s)
                                               throws JAXRException
        Creates an InternationalString instance using the specified Locale and String parameters.
        Capability Level: 0
        l - the Locale in which to create the InternationalString
        s - the String from which to create the InternationalString
        the InternationalString instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createKey

        Key createKey​(String id)
               throws JAXRException
        Creates a Key instance from an ID.
        Capability Level: 0
        id - the ID string from which to create the Key
        the Key instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createLocalizedString

        LocalizedString createLocalizedString​(Locale l,
                                              String s)
                                       throws JAXRException
        Creates a LocalizedString instance using the specified Locale and String parameters.
        Capability Level: 0
        l - the Locale in which to create the LocalizedString
        s - the String from which to create the LocalizedString
        the LocalizedString instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createLocalizedString

        LocalizedString createLocalizedString​(Locale l,
                                              String s,
                                              String charSetName)
                                       throws JAXRException
        Creates a LocalizedString instance using the specified Locale, String, and character set parameters.
        Capability Level: 0
        l - the Locale in which to create the LocalizedString
        s - the String from which to create the LocalizedString
        charSetName - the name of the character set to use
        the LocalizedString instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createOrganization

        Organization createOrganization​(String name)
                                 throws JAXRException
        Creates an Organization instance using the specified name, where the name is a String.
        Capability Level: 0
        name - the name of the Organization
        the Organization instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createOrganization

        Organization createOrganization​(InternationalString name)
                                 throws JAXRException
        Creates an Organization instance using the specified name, where the name is an InternationalString.
        Capability Level: 0
        name - the name of the Organization
        the Organization instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createPersonName

        PersonName createPersonName​(String firstName,
                                    String middleName,
                                    String lastName)
                             throws JAXRException
        Creates a PersonName instance using the specified first, middle, and last names.
        Capability Level: 1
        firstName - the person's first name
        middleName - the person's middle name
        lastName - the person's last name
        the PersonName instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createPersonName

        PersonName createPersonName​(String fullName)
                             throws JAXRException
        Creates a PersonName instance using the specified full name.
        Capability Level: 0
        fullName - the person's full name
        the PersonName instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createPostalAddress

        PostalAddress createPostalAddress​(String streetNumber,
                                          String street,
                                          String city,
                                          String stateOrProvince,
                                          String country,
                                          String postalCode,
                                          String type)
                                   throws JAXRException
        Creates a PostalAddress instance using the specified parameters.
        Capability Level: 0
        streetNumber - the street number
        street - the street name
        city - the city name
        stateOrProvince - the state or province name
        country - the country name
        postalCode - the postal code (such as a US ZIP code)
        type - the type of the address
        the PostalAddress instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createRegistryPackage

        RegistryPackage createRegistryPackage​(String name)
                                       throws JAXRException
        Creates a RegistryPackage instance using the specified name, where the name is a String.
        Capability Level: 1
        name - the name of the registry package (a String)
        the RegistryPackage instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createRegistryPackage

        RegistryPackage createRegistryPackage​(InternationalString name)
                                       throws JAXRException
        Creates a RegistryPackage instance using the specified name, where the name is an InternationalString.
        Capability Level: 1
        name - the name of the registry package (an InternationalString)
        the RegistryPackage instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createService

        Service createService​(String name)
                       throws JAXRException
        Creates a Service instance using the specified name, where the name is a String.
        Capability Level: 0
        name - the name of the Service (a String)
        the Service instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createService

        Service createService​(InternationalString name)
                       throws JAXRException
        Creates a Service instance using the specified name, where the name is an InternationalString.
        Capability Level: 0
        name - the name of the Service (an InternationalString)
        the Service instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createServiceBinding

        ServiceBinding createServiceBinding()
                                     throws JAXRException
        Creates an empty ServiceBinding instance.
        Capability Level: 0
        the ServiceBinding instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createSlot

        Slot createSlot​(String name,
                        String value,
                        String slotType)
                 throws JAXRException
        Creates a Slot instance using the specified parameters, where the value is a String.
        Capability Level: 0
        name - the name of the Slot
        value - the value (a String)
        slotType - the slot type
        the Slot instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createSlot

        Slot createSlot​(String name,
                        Collection values,
                        String slotType)
                 throws JAXRException
        Creates a Slot instance using the specified parameters, where the value is a Collection of Strings.
        Capability Level: 0
        name - the name of the Slot
        values - the value (a Collection of Strings)
        slotType - the slot type
        the Slot instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createSpecificationLink

        SpecificationLink createSpecificationLink()
                                           throws JAXRException
        Creates an empty SpecificationLink instance.
        Capability Level: 0
        the SpecificationLink instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createTelephoneNumber

        TelephoneNumber createTelephoneNumber()
                                       throws JAXRException
        Creates an empty TelephoneNumber instance.
        Capability Level: 0
        the TelephoneNumber instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • createUser

        User createUser()
                 throws JAXRException
        Creates an empty User instance.
        Capability Level: 0
        the User instance created
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • saveObjects

        BulkResponse saveObjects​(Collection objects)
                          throws JAXRException
        Saves one or more Objects to the registry. An object may be a RegistryObject subclass instance.

        If an object is not in the registry, it is created in the registry. If it already exists in the registry and has been modified, then its state is updated (replaced) in the registry.

        Capability Level: 0
        objects - a potentially heterogeneous Collection of RegistryObject instances
        a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those objects that were saved successfully and any SaveException that was encountered in case of partial commit
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • deprecateObjects

        BulkResponse deprecateObjects​(Collection keys)
                               throws JAXRException
        Deprecates one or more previously submitted objects. Deprecation marks an object as "soon to be deleted". Once an object is deprecated, the Jakarta XML Registries provider must not allow any new references (e.g. new Associations, Classifications and ExternalLinks) to that object to be submitted. If a client makes an API call that results in a new reference to a deprecated object, the Jakarta XML Registries provider must throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException within a JAXRException. However, existing references to a deprecated object continue to function normally.
        Capability Level: 1
        keys - a Collection of keys for the objects to be deprecated
        a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those objects that were deprecated successfully and any JAXRException that was encountered in case of partial commit
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • unDeprecateObjects

        BulkResponse unDeprecateObjects​(Collection keys)
                                 throws JAXRException
        Undeprecates one or more previously deprecated objects. If an object was not previously deprecated, it is not an error, and no exception is thrown. Once an object is undeprecated, the Jakarta XML Registries provider must again allow new references (e.g. new Associations, Classifications and ExternalLinks) to that object to be submitted.
        Capability Level: 1
        keys - a Collection of keys for the objects to be undeprecated
        a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those objects that were deprecated successfully and any JAXRException that was encountered in case of partial commit
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • deleteObjects

        BulkResponse deleteObjects​(Collection keys)
                            throws JAXRException
        Deletes one or more previously submitted objects from the registry using the object keys.
        Capability Level: 1
        keys - a Collection of keys for the objects to be deleted
        a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those objects that were deleted successfully and any DeleteException that was encountered in case of partial commit
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • deleteObjects

        BulkResponse deleteObjects​(Collection keys,
                                   String objectType)
                            throws JAXRException
        Deletes one or more previously submitted objects from the registry using the object keys and a specified objectType attribute.
        Capability Level: 0
        keys - a Collection of keys for the objects to be deleted
        objectType - the objectType attribute for the objects to be deleted
        a BulkResponse containing the Collection of keys for those objects that were deleted successfully and any DeleteException that was encountered in case of partial commit
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
      • getRegistryService

        RegistryService getRegistryService()
                                    throws JAXRException
        Returns the parent RegistryService that created this object.
        Capability Level: 0
        the parent RegistryService
        JAXRException - if the Jakarta XML Registries provider encounters an internal error
        See Also: