Class BASE64MailboxEncoder

  • public class BASE64MailboxEncoder
    extends Object
    From RFC2060:
     5.1.3.  Mailbox International Naming Convention
       By convention, international mailbox names are specified using a
       modified version of the UTF-7 encoding described in [UTF-7].  The
       purpose of these modifications is to correct the following problems
       with UTF-7:
          1) UTF-7 uses the "+" character for shifting; this conflicts with
             the common use of "+" in mailbox names, in particular USENET
             newsgroup names.
          2) UTF-7's encoding is BASE64 which uses the "/" character; this
             conflicts with the use of "/" as a popular hierarchy delimiter.
          3) UTF-7 prohibits the unencoded usage of "\"; this conflicts with
             the use of "\" as a popular hierarchy delimiter.
          4) UTF-7 prohibits the unencoded usage of "~"; this conflicts with
             the use of "~" in some servers as a home directory indicator.
          5) UTF-7 permits multiple alternate forms to represent the same
             string; in particular, printable US-ASCII chararacters can be
             represented in encoded form.
       In modified UTF-7, printable US-ASCII characters except for "&"
       represent themselves; that is, characters with octet values 0x20-0x25
       and 0x27-0x7e.  The character "&" (0x26) is represented by the two-
       octet sequence "&-".
       All other characters (octet values 0x00-0x1f, 0x7f-0xff, and all
       Unicode 16-bit octets) are represented in modified BASE64, with a
       further modification from [UTF-7] that "," is used instead of "/".
       Modified BASE64 MUST NOT be used to represent any printing US-ASCII
       character which can represent itself.
       "&" is used to shift to modified BASE64 and "-" to shift back to US-
       ASCII.  All names start in US-ASCII, and MUST end in US-ASCII (that
       is, a name that ends with a Unicode 16-bit octet MUST end with a "-
       For example, here is a mailbox name which mixes English, Japanese,
       and Chinese text: ~peter/mail/&ZeVnLIqe-/&U,BTFw-
    This class will do the correct Encoding for the IMAP mailboxes.
    Christopher Cotton
    • Field Detail

      • buffer

        protected byte[] buffer
      • bufsize

        protected int bufsize
      • started

        protected boolean started
    • Constructor Detail

      • BASE64MailboxEncoder

        public BASE64MailboxEncoder​(Writer what)
        Create a BASE64 encoder
        what - where to write the encoded name
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public void write​(int c)
      • flush

        public void flush()