Class StAXEventFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • StAXEventFactory

        public StAXEventFactory()
        Creates a new instance of StAXEventFactory
    • Method Detail

      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(Location location)
        This method allows setting of the Location on each event that is created by this factory. The values are copied by value into the events created by this factory. To reset the location information set the location to null.
        Specified by:
        setLocation in class XMLEventFactory
        location - the location to set on each event created
      • createAttribute

        public Attribute createAttribute​(String prefix,
                                         String namespaceURI,
                                         String localName,
                                         String value)
        Create a new Attribute
        Specified by:
        createAttribute in class XMLEventFactory
        prefix - the prefix of this attribute, may not be null
        namespaceURI - the attribute value is set to this value, may not be null
        localName - the local name of the XML name of the attribute, localName cannot be null
        value - the attribute value to set, may not be null
        the Attribute with specified values
      • createAttribute

        public Attribute createAttribute​(String localName,
                                         String value)
        Create a new Attribute
        Specified by:
        createAttribute in class XMLEventFactory
        localName - the local name of the XML name of the attribute, localName cannot be null
        value - the attribute value to set, may not be null
        the Attribute with specified values
      • createNamespace

        public Namespace createNamespace​(String namespaceURI)
        Create a new default Namespace
        Specified by:
        createNamespace in class XMLEventFactory
        namespaceURI - the default namespace uri
        the Namespace with the specified value
      • createNamespace

        public Namespace createNamespace​(String prefix,
                                         String namespaceURI)
        Create a new Namespace
        Specified by:
        createNamespace in class XMLEventFactory
        prefix - the prefix of this namespace, may not be null
        namespaceURI - the attribute value is set to this value, may not be null
        the Namespace with the specified values
      • createStartElement

        public StartElement createStartElement​(QName name,
                                               Iterator attributes,
                                               Iterator namespaces)
        Create a new StartElement.
        Specified by:
        createStartElement in class XMLEventFactory
        name - the qualified name of the attribute, may not be null
        attributes - an optional unordered set of objects that implement Attribute to add to the new StartElement, may be null
        namespaces - an optional unordered set of objects that implement Namespace to add to the new StartElement, may be null
        an instance of the requested StartElement
      • createEndElement

        public EndElement createEndElement​(QName name,
                                           Iterator namespaces)
        Create a new EndElement
        Specified by:
        createEndElement in class XMLEventFactory
        name - the qualified name of the EndElement
        namespaces - an optional unordered set of objects that implement Namespace that have gone out of scope, may be null
        an instance of the requested EndElement
      • createEndElement

        public EndElement createEndElement​(String prefix,
                                           String namespaceUri,
                                           String localName)
        Create a new EndElement
        Specified by:
        createEndElement in class XMLEventFactory
        namespaceUri - the uri of the QName of the new StartElement
        localName - the local name of the QName of the new StartElement
        prefix - the prefix of the QName of the new StartElement
        an instance of the requested EndElement
      • createEndElement

        public EndElement createEndElement​(String prefix,
                                           String namespaceUri,
                                           String localName,
                                           Iterator namespaces)
        Create a new EndElement
        Specified by:
        createEndElement in class XMLEventFactory
        namespaceUri - the uri of the QName of the new StartElement
        localName - the local name of the QName of the new StartElement
        prefix - the prefix of the QName of the new StartElement
        namespaces - an unordered set of objects that implement Namespace that have gone out of scope, may be null
        an instance of the requested EndElement
      • createCharacters

        public Characters createCharacters​(String content)
        Create a Characters event, this method does not check if the content is all whitespace. To create a space event use #createSpace(String)
        Specified by:
        createCharacters in class XMLEventFactory
        content - the string to create
        a Characters event
      • createCData

        public Characters createCData​(String content)
        Create a Characters event with the CData flag set to true
        Specified by:
        createCData in class XMLEventFactory
        content - the string to create
        a Characters event
      • createSpace

        public Characters createSpace​(String content)
        Create a Characters event with the isSpace flag set to true
        Specified by:
        createSpace in class XMLEventFactory
        content - the content of the space to create
        a Characters event
      • createStartDocument

        public StartDocument createStartDocument​(String encoding)
        Creates a new instance of a StartDocument event
        Specified by:
        createStartDocument in class XMLEventFactory
        encoding - the encoding style
        a StartDocument event
      • createStartDocument

        public StartDocument createStartDocument​(String encoding,
                                                 String version)
        Creates a new instance of a StartDocument event
        Specified by:
        createStartDocument in class XMLEventFactory
        encoding - the encoding style
        version - the XML version
        a StartDocument event
      • createStartDocument

        public StartDocument createStartDocument​(String encoding,
                                                 String version,
                                                 boolean standalone)
        Creates a new instance of a StartDocument event
        Specified by:
        createStartDocument in class XMLEventFactory
        encoding - the encoding style
        version - the XML version
        standalone - the status of standalone may be set to "true" or "false"
        a StartDocument event
      • createDTD

        public DTD createDTD​(String dtd)
        Create a document type definition event This string contains the entire document type declaration that matches the doctypedecl in the XML 1.0 specification
        Specified by:
        createDTD in class XMLEventFactory
        dtd - the text of the document type definition
        a DTD event