Interface StickyFeature

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    MakeConnectionSupportedFeature, ReliableMessagingFeature, SecurityFeatureConfigurator.SecurityStickyFeature, StatefulFeature

    public interface StickyFeature
    Provides a way to tell the runtime about stickiness of requests. In a HA environment, a client's requests need to land on the same instance so that a BackingStore entry for a key is accessed/modified from the same instance.

    A web service feature may implement this interface. JAX-WS runtime checks if any feature needs stickiness of requests, and if HA is configured (HighAvailabilityProvider.isHaEnvironmentConfigured()), it will take an appropriate action. For example, in servlet transport, it would create JSESSIONID cookie so that a typical loadbalancer would stick the subsequent client requests to the same instance.

    JAX-WS RI 2.2.2
    Jitendra Kotamraju