Class DatabindingFactoryImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • DatabindingFactoryImpl

        public DatabindingFactoryImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • createRuntime

        public Databinding createRuntime​(DatabindingConfig config)
        Description copied from class: DatabindingFactory
        Creates a new instance of a WsRuntime which is initialized with the specified configuration object.
        Specified by:
        createRuntime in class DatabindingFactory
        config - the EndpointRuntimeConfig to init this WsRuntime
        New instance of a WsRuntime
      • createBuilder

        public Databinding.Builder createBuilder​(Class<?> contractClass,
                                                 Class<?> endpointClass)
        Description copied from class: DatabindingFactory
        Creates a new instance of a Databinding.Builder which is initialized with the specified contractClass and endpointClass. The most importance initial states of a Builder object is the contract class which is also called "service endpoint interface" or "SEI" in JAX-WS and JAX-RPC, and the implementation bean class (endpointClass). The the implementation bean class (endpointClass) should be null if the Builder is to create the client side proxy databinding.
        Specified by:
        createBuilder in class DatabindingFactory
        contractClass - The service endpoint interface class
        endpointClass - The service implementation bean class
        New instance of a Databinding.Builder