Interface ManagedConnectionFactory

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ManagedConnectionFactory
    extends Serializable
    ManagedConnectionFactory instance is a factory of both ManagedConnection and EIS-specific connection factory instances. This interface supports connection pooling by providing methods for matching and creation of ManagedConnection instance. A ManagedConnectionFactory instance is required to be a JavaBean.
    Rahul Sharma
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • createConnectionFactory

        Object createConnectionFactory​(ConnectionManager cxManager)
                                throws ResourceException
        Creates a Connection Factory instance. The Connection Factory instance gets initialized with the passed ConnectionManager. In the managed scenario, ConnectionManager is provided by the application server.
        cxManager - ConnectionManager to be associated with created EIS connection factory instance
        EIS-specific Connection Factory instance or javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory instance
        ResourceException - Generic exception
        ResourceAdapterInternalException - Resource adapter related error condition
      • createConnectionFactory

        Object createConnectionFactory()
                                throws ResourceException
        Creates a Connection Factory instance. The Connection Factory instance gets initialized with a default ConnectionManager provided by the resource adapter.
        EIS-specific Connection Factory instance or javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory instance
        ResourceException - Generic exception
        ResourceAdapterInternalException - Resource adapter related error condition
      • createManagedConnection

        ManagedConnection createManagedConnection​(Subject subject,
                                                  ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
                                           throws ResourceException
        Creates a new physical connection to the underlying EIS resource manager.

        ManagedConnectionFactory uses the security information (passed as Subject) and additional ConnectionRequestInfo (which is specific to ResourceAdapter and opaque to application server) to create this new connection.

        subject - Caller's security information
        cxRequestInfo - Additional resource adapter specific connection request information
        ManagedConnection instance
        ResourceException - generic exception
        SecurityException - security related error
        ResourceAllocationException - failed to allocate system resources for connection request
        ResourceAdapterInternalException - resource adapter related error condition
        EISSystemException - internal error condition in EIS instance
      • matchManagedConnections

        ManagedConnection matchManagedConnections​(Set connectionSet,
                                                  Subject subject,
                                                  ConnectionRequestInfo cxRequestInfo)
                                           throws ResourceException
        Returns a matched connection from the candidate set of connections.

        ManagedConnectionFactory uses the security info (as in Subject) and information provided through ConnectionRequestInfo and additional Resource Adapter specific criteria to do matching. Note that criteria used for matching is specific to a resource adapter and is not prescribed by the Connector specification.

        This method returns a ManagedConnection instance that is the best match for handling the connection allocation request.

        connectionSet - candidate connection set
        subject - caller's security information
        cxRequestInfo - additional resource adapter specific connection request information
        ManagedConnection if resource adapter finds an acceptable match otherwise null
        ResourceException - generic exception
        SecurityException - security related error
        ResourceAdapterInternalException - resource adapter related error condition
        NotSupportedException - if operation is not supported
      • setLogWriter

        void setLogWriter​(PrintWriter out)
                   throws ResourceException
        Set the log writer for this ManagedConnectionFactory instance.

        The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and tracing messages for this ManagedConnectionfactory instance will be printed.

        ApplicationServer manages the association of output stream with the ManagedConnectionFactory. When a ManagedConnectionFactory object is created the log writer is initially null, in other words, logging is disabled. Once a log writer is associated with a ManagedConnectionFactory, logging and tracing for ManagedConnectionFactory instance is enabled.

        The ManagedConnection instances created by ManagedConnectionFactory "inherits" the log writer, which can be overridden by ApplicationServer using ManagedConnection.setLogWriter to set ManagedConnection specific logging and tracing.

        out - PrintWriter - an out stream for error logging and tracing
        ResourceException - generic exception
        ResourceAdapterInternalException - resource adapter related error condition
      • getLogWriter

        PrintWriter getLogWriter()
                          throws ResourceException
        Get the log writer for this ManagedConnectionFactory instance.

        The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and tracing messages for this ManagedConnectionFactory instance will be printed

        ApplicationServer manages the association of output stream with the ManagedConnectionFactory. When a ManagedConnectionFactory object is created the log writer is initially null, in other words, logging is disabled.

        ResourceException - generic exception
      • hashCode

        int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code for the ManagedConnectionFactory
        hashCode in class Object
        hash code for the ManagedConnectionFactory
      • equals

        boolean equals​(Object other)
        Check if this ManagedConnectionFactory is equal to another ManagedConnectionFactory.
        equals in class Object
        true if two instances are equal