Class AbstractCreator

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractCreator

        public AbstractCreator()
    • Method Detail

      • createBuffer

        protected final void createBuffer()
      • increaseTreeCount

        protected final void increaseTreeCount()
        Should be called whenever a new tree is stored on the buffer.
      • setHasInternedStrings

        protected final void setHasInternedStrings​(boolean hasInternedStrings)
      • storeStructure

        protected final void storeStructure​(int b)
      • resizeStructure

        protected final void resizeStructure()
      • storeStructureString

        protected final void storeStructureString​(String s)
      • resizeStructureStrings

        protected final void resizeStructureStrings()
      • storeContentString

        protected final void storeContentString​(String s)
      • storeContentCharacters

        protected final void storeContentCharacters​(int type,
                                                    char[] ch,
                                                    int start,
                                                    int length)
      • resizeContentCharacters

        protected final void resizeContentCharacters()
      • storeContentCharactersCopy

        protected final void storeContentCharactersCopy​(char[] ch,
                                                        int start,
                                                        int length)
      • peekAtContentObject

        protected final Object peekAtContentObject()
      • storeContentObject

        protected final void storeContentObject​(Object s)
      • resizeContentObjects

        protected final void resizeContentObjects()