Class StreamSerializer

    • Method Detail

      • beginStartTag

        public void beginStartTag​(String uri,
                                  String localName,
                                  String prefix)
        Description copied from interface: XmlSerializer
        Begins writing a start tag.
        Specified by:
        beginStartTag in interface XmlSerializer
        uri - the namespace URI of the element. Can be empty but never be null.
        prefix - the prefix that should be used for this element. Can be empty, but never null.
      • writeAttribute

        public void writeAttribute​(String uri,
                                   String localName,
                                   String prefix,
                                   StringBuilder value)
        Description copied from interface: XmlSerializer
        Writes an attribute.
        Specified by:
        writeAttribute in interface XmlSerializer
        uri - the namespace URI of the attribute. Can be empty but never be null.
        prefix - the prefix that should be used for this attribute. Can be empty, but never null.
        value - The value of the attribute. It's the callee's responsibility to escape special characters (such as <, >, and &) in this buffer.
      • writeXmlns

        public void writeXmlns​(String prefix,
                               String uri)
        Description copied from interface: XmlSerializer
        Writes a namespace declaration.
        Specified by:
        writeXmlns in interface XmlSerializer
        prefix - the prefix that is allocated. Can be empty but never be null.
        uri - the namespace URI to be declared. Can be empty but never be null.
      • endStartTag

        public void endStartTag​(String uri,
                                String localName,
                                String prefix)
        Description copied from interface: XmlSerializer
        Completes the start tag.
        Specified by:
        endStartTag in interface XmlSerializer
        uri - the namespace URI of the element. Can be empty but never be null.
        prefix - the prefix that should be used for this element. Can be empty, but never null.
      • text

        public void text​(StringBuilder text)
        Description copied from interface: XmlSerializer
        Writes PCDATA.
        Specified by:
        text in interface XmlSerializer
        text - The character data to be written. It's the callee's responsibility to escape special characters (such as <, >, and &) in this buffer.
      • flush

        public void flush()
        Description copied from interface: XmlSerializer
        Flush the buffer. This method is called when applications invoke TypedXmlWriter.commit(boolean) method. If the implementation performs any buffering, it should flush the buffer.
        Specified by:
        flush in interface XmlSerializer