Class WSSClientConfigAssertionCreator

    • Constructor Detail

      • WSSClientConfigAssertionCreator

        public WSSClientConfigAssertionCreator()
        Creates a new instance of WSSClientConfigAssertionCreator
    • Method Detail

      • getSupportedDomainNamespaceURIs

        public String[] getSupportedDomainNamespaceURIs()
        Description copied from interface: PolicyAssertionCreator
        This method returns the namespace URIs of the domains that are supported by the implementation of this inteface. There can be multiple URIs supported per single implementation.
        Supporting domain namespace URI means that particular PolicyAssertionCreator implementation is able to create assertion instances for the domains identified by the namespace URIs returned from this method. It is required that each PolicyAssertionCreator implementation handles the policy assertion creation for each assertion in every domain it claims to support.
        Specified by:
        getSupportedDomainNamespaceURIs in interface PolicyAssertionCreator
        getSupportedDomainNamespaceURIs in class SecurityPolicyAssertionCreator
        string array representing the namespace URIs of the supported domains. It is expected that multiple calls on this method return the same value each time. Returned string array must be neither null nor empty. Also each string value in the array must not be null nor empty.