Class SEIInvokerTube

    • Method Detail

      • processRequest

        public NextAction processRequest​(@NotNull
                                         Packet req)
        This binds the parameters for SEI endpoints and invokes the endpoint method. The return value, and response Holder arguments are used to create a new Message that traverses through the Pipeline to transport.
        req - The packet that represents a request message. If the packet has a non-null message, it must be a valid unconsumed Message. This message represents the SOAP message to be sent as a request.

        The packet is also allowed to carry no message, which indicates that this is an output-only request. (that's called "solicit", right? - KK)

        A NextAction object that represents the next action to be taken by the JAX-WS runtime.
      • processResponse

        public NextAction processResponse​(@NotNull
                                          Packet response)
        Description copied from interface: Tube
        Acts on a response and performs some protocol specific operation.

        Once a Tube.processRequest(Packet) is invoked, this method will be always invoked with the response, before this Tube processes another request.

        response - If the packet has a non-null message, it must be a valid unconsumed Message. This message represents a response to the request message passed to Tube.processRequest(Packet) earlier.

        The packet is also allowed to carry no message, which indicates that there was no response. This is used for things like one-way message and/or one-way transports. TODO: exception handling semantics need more discussion

        A NextAction object that represents the next action to be taken by the JAX-WS runtime.
      • processException

        public NextAction processException​(@NotNull
                                           Throwable t)
        Description copied from interface: Tube
        Acts on a exception and performs some clean up operations.

        If a Tube.processRequest(Packet), Tube.processResponse(Packet), Tube.processException(Throwable) throws an exception, this method will be always invoked on all the Tubes in the remaining NextActions.

        On the server side, the Throwable thrown will be propagated to the top-most transport. The transport converts the exception to fault reply or simply logs in case of one-way MEP. If you are a filtering Tube like AbstractTubeImpl, you don't have to override the implementation). On the other hand, any intermediate Tube may want to convert the exception to a fault message.

        On the client side, the Throwable thrown will be propagated all the way back to the calling client applications. (The consequence of that is that if you are a filtering Tube like AbstractTubeImpl, you don't have to override the implementation)

        A NextAction object that represents the next action to be taken by the JAX-WS runtime.