Interface STSAttributeProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface STSAttributeProvider

This interface is a plugin for attrinute services to a Security Token Service (STS). An attribute service provides the attributes about a requestor. The attributes are included in the issued toekn for the requestor using with the target servicce for authentication and authorization purpose. The usual services mechanism is used to find implementing class of STSAttributeProvider.

Jiandong Guo
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getClaimedAttributes

      Map<QName,List<String>> getClaimedAttributes(Subject subject, String appliesTo, String tokenType, Claims claims)
      Returns the map of claimed attributes of the requestor apply to the targeted service.
      subject - The Subject contgaining authentication information and context of the authenticated requestor.
      appliesTo - Identifying target service(s)
      tokenType - Type of token to be issued which will contain these attributes.
      claims - Identifying the attributes of the requestor claimed by the target service.
      map of attribut key and values. The key of the map is a QName contains the key name the the name space for the key. The value of the map is a List of String contains a list of the values. One particular value with the requestor identity to be in the issued token with key nameNAME_IDENTIFIER must be in the map.