Class SAXDocumentSerializerWithPrefixMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
FastInfosetSerializer, EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler, ExtendedContentHandler, FastInfosetWriter, PrimitiveTypeContentHandler, RestrictedAlphabetContentHandler, ContentHandler, DTDHandler, EntityResolver, ErrorHandler, LexicalHandler

public class SAXDocumentSerializerWithPrefixMapping extends SAXDocumentSerializer
The Fast Infoset SAX serializer that maps prefixes to user specified prefixes that are specified in a namespace URI to prefix map.

This serializer will not preserve the original prefixes and this serializer should not be used when prefixes need to be preserved, such as the case when there are qualified names in content.

A namespace URI to prefix map is utilized such that the prefixes in the map are utilized rather than the prefixes specified in the qualified name for elements and attributes.

Any namespace declarations with a namespace URI that is not present in the map are added.