Class ClientPipeCreator

public class ClientPipeCreator extends ClientPipelineHook
This is used by WSClientContainer to return proper 196 security pipe to the StandAlonePipeAssembler and TangoPipeAssembler
  • Constructor Details

    • ClientPipeCreator

      public ClientPipeCreator()
  • Method Details

    • createSecurityPipe

      public Pipe createSecurityPipe(PolicyMap map, ClientPipeAssemblerContext ctxt, Pipe tail)
      Description copied from class: ClientPipelineHook
      Called during the client-side pipeline construction process once to allow a container to register a pipe for security. This pipe will be injected to a point very close to the transport, allowing it to do some security operations.
      createSecurityPipe in class ClientPipelineHook
      map - PolicyMap holding policies for a scope
      ctxt - Represents abstraction of SEI, WSDL abstraction etc. Context can be used whether add a new pipe to the head or not.
      tail - Head of the partially constructed pipeline. If the implementation wishes to add new pipes, it should do so by extending AbstractFilterPipeImpl and making sure that this Pipe eventually processes messages.
      The default implementation just returns tail, which means no additional pipe is inserted. If the implementation adds new pipes, return the new head pipe.
    • createSecurityTube

      @NotNull public Tube createSecurityTube(ClientTubelineAssemblyContext context)
      Description copied from class: ClientPipelineHook
      Called during the client-side tubeline construction process once to allow a container to register a tube for security. This tube will be injected to a point very close to the transport, allowing it to do some security operations.

      If the implementation wishes to add new tubes, it should do so by extending AbstractFilterTubeImpl and making sure that this Tube eventually processes messages.

      createSecurityTube in class ClientPipelineHook
      context - Represents abstraction of PolicyMap, SEI, WSDL abstraction etc. Context can be used whether add a new tube to the head or not.
      The default implementation just returns tail, which means no additional tube is inserted. If the implementation adds new tubes, return the new head tube.