Interface BackingStoreFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Contract public interface BackingStoreFactory
A factory for creating BackingStore(s). Every provider must provide an implementation of this interface.

The createBackingStore(env) method is called typically during container creation time. A store instance is typically used to store state for a single container.

Any runtime exception thrown from createBackingStore and createBatchBackingStore method will cause the container to use a default persistence-type (typically no replication) and a log message will be logged at WARNING level.

Mahesh Kannan
  • Method Details

    • createBackingStore

      <K extends Serializable, V extends Serializable> BackingStore<K,V> createBackingStore(BackingStoreConfiguration<K,V> conf) throws BackingStoreException
      This method is called to create a BackingStore. This class must be thread safe.

      If the factory can produce a BackingStore that can handle the factors specified in the conf, then it must return a fully initialized and operational BackingStore. Else it must return null.

      conf - The BackingStoreConfiguration
      a BackingStore. The returned BackingStore must be thread safe.
      BackingStoreException - If the store could not be created
    • createBackingStoreTransaction

      BackingStoreTransaction createBackingStoreTransaction()