Class XMLStreamReaderMessage

  • public class XMLStreamReaderMessage
    extends Object
    Low level representation of an XML or SOAP message as an XMLStreamReader.
    • Field Detail

      • properties

        public final Packet properties
        The properties of the message.
      • attachments

        public final AttachmentSet attachments
        The attachments of this message (attachments live outside a message.)
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLStreamReaderMessage

        public XMLStreamReaderMessage​(Packet properties,
                                      XMLStreamReader msg)
        Create a new message.
        properties - the properties of the message.
        msg - always a non-null unconsumed XMLStreamReader that represents a request.
      • XMLStreamReaderMessage

        public XMLStreamReaderMessage​(Packet properties,
                                      AttachmentSet attachments,
                                      XMLStreamReader msg)
        Create a new message.
        properties - the properties of the message.
        attachments - the attachments of the message.
        msg - always a non-null unconsumed XMLStreamReader that represents a request.