Class PrivateAttributeFilteringStateMachine

    • Constructor Detail

      • PrivateAttributeFilteringStateMachine

        public PrivateAttributeFilteringStateMachine()
        Creates a new instance of PrivateAttributeFilteringStateMachine
    • Method Detail

      • getStateChange

        public ProcessingStateChange getStateChange​(Invocation invocation,
                                                    XMLStreamWriter writer)
        Description copied from interface: FilteringStateMachine
        Based on the current invocation decides whether a processing state change is required and returns the result of this decision.
        Specified by:
        getStateChange in interface FilteringStateMachine
        invocation - current invocation executed on the XML stream writer
        writer - mirror writer that records all calls (even the ones filtered out) and thus represents the "unfiltered" status of the XML stream. The parameter may be used to query the status. Implementations of the FilteringStateMachine SHOULD NOT call any methods that may result in a modification of the XML stream represented by this writer parameter.
        processing state change as required.