Interface STSConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface STSConfiguration
This interface contains the attributes for configuring an STS.
Jiandong Guo
  • Method Details

    • getType

      String getType()
      Gets the implementation class of WSTrustContract for this STS.
      class name
    • getIssuer

      String getIssuer()
      Get the Issuer for the STS which is a unique string identifing the STS.
    • getEncryptIssuedToken

      boolean getEncryptIssuedToken()
      Retruns true if the issued tokens from this STS must be encrypted.
    • getEncryptIssuedKey

      boolean getEncryptIssuedKey()
      Retruns true if the issued keys from this STS must be encrypted.
    • getIssuedTokenTimeout

      long getIssuedTokenTimeout()
    • setCallbackHandler

      void setCallbackHandler(CallbackHandler callbackHandler)
      Set CallbackHandler for handling certificates for the service provider and keys for the STS.
    • getOtherOptions

      Map<String,Object> getOtherOptions()
      Gets a map that contains attributes that aren't bound to any typed property on this class.

      the map is keyed by the name of the attribute and the value is any object. the map returned by this method is live, and you can add new attribute by updating the map directly.

      always non-null
    • getCallbackHandler

      CallbackHandler getCallbackHandler()
      Get CallbackHandler for handling certificates for the service provider and keys for the STS.
    • addTrustSPMetadata

      void addTrustSPMetadata(TrustSPMetadata data, String spEndpoint)
      Add TrustMetadata for the service provider as identified by the given end point.
    • getTrustSPMetadata

      TrustSPMetadata getTrustSPMetadata(String spEndpoint)
      Get TrustMetadata for the service provider as identified by the given end point.