Class RuntimeModeler


public class RuntimeModeler extends Object
Creates a runtime model of a SEI (portClass).
WS Developement Team
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setClassLoader

      public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
      sets the classloader to be used when loading classes by the RuntimeModeler.
      classLoader - ClassLoader used to load classes
    • setPortName

      public void setPortName(QName portName)
      sets the PortName to be used by the RuntimeModeler.
      portName - The PortName to be used instead of the PortName retrieved via annotations
    • buildRuntimeModel

      public AbstractSEIModelImpl buildRuntimeModel()
      builds the runtime model from the portClass using the binding ID bindingId.
      the runtime model for the portClass.
    • determineWebMethodUse

      protected void determineWebMethodUse(Class clazz)
    • createBinding

      protected SOAPBindingImpl createBinding(jakarta.jws.soap.SOAPBinding soapBinding)
      creates a runtime model SOAPBinding from a jakarta.jws.soap.SOAPBinding object
      soapBinding - the jakarta.jws.soap.SOAPBinding to model
      returns the runtime model SOAPBinding corresponding to soapBinding
    • getNamespace

      public static String getNamespace(@NotNull String packageName)
      gets the namespace String for a given packageName
      packageName - the name of the package used to find a namespace. can be empty.
      the namespace for the specified packageName
    • processDocWrappedMethod

      protected void processDocWrappedMethod(JavaMethodImpl javaMethod, String methodName, String operationName, Method method)
      models a document/literal wrapped method
      javaMethod - the runtime model JavaMethod instance being created
      methodName - the runtime model JavaMethod instance being created
      operationName - the runtime model JavaMethod instance being created
      method - the method to model
    • processRpcMethod

      protected void processRpcMethod(JavaMethodImpl javaMethod, String methodName, String operationName, Method method)
      models a rpc/literal method
      javaMethod - the runtime model JavaMethod instance being created
      methodName - the name of the method being modeled.
      operationName - the WSDL operation name for this method
      method - the runtime model JavaMethod instance being created
    • processExceptions

      protected void processExceptions(JavaMethodImpl javaMethod, Method method)
      models the exceptions thrown by method and adds them to the javaMethod runtime model object
      javaMethod - the runtime model object to add the exception model objects to
      method - the method from which to find the exceptions to model
    • getWSDLExceptionFaultInfo

      protected Method getWSDLExceptionFaultInfo(Class exception)
      returns the method that corresponds to "getFaultInfo". Returns null if this is not an exception generated from a WSDL
      exception - the class to search for the "getFaultInfo" method
      the method named "getFaultInfo" if this is an exception generated from WSDL or an exception that contains the WebFault annotation. Otherwise it returns null
    • processDocBareMethod

      protected void processDocBareMethod(JavaMethodImpl javaMethod, String operationName, Method method)
      models a document/literal bare method
      javaMethod - the runtime model JavaMethod instance being created
      operationName - the runtime model JavaMethod instance being created
      method - the runtime model JavaMethod instance being created
    • capitalize

      public static String capitalize(String name)
      utility to capitalize the first letter in a string
      name - the string to capitalize
      the capitalized string
    • getServiceName

      public static QName getServiceName(Class<?> implClass)
      gets the wsdl:serviceName for a given implementation class
      implClass - the implementation class
      the wsdl:serviceName for the implClass
    • getServiceName

      public static QName getServiceName(Class<?> implClass, boolean isStandard)
    • getServiceName

      public static QName getServiceName(Class<?> implClass, MetadataReader reader)
    • getServiceName

      public static QName getServiceName(Class<?> implClass, MetadataReader reader, boolean isStandard)
    • getPortName

      public static QName getPortName(Class<?> implClass, String targetNamespace)
      gets the wsdl:portName for a given implementation class
      implClass - the implementation class
      targetNamespace - Namespace URI for service name
      the wsdl:portName for the implClass
    • getPortName

      public static QName getPortName(Class<?> implClass, String targetNamespace, boolean isStandard)
    • getPortName

      public static QName getPortName(Class<?> implClass, MetadataReader reader, String targetNamespace)
    • getPortName

      public static QName getPortName(Class<?> implClass, MetadataReader reader, String targetNamespace, boolean isStandard)
    • getPortTypeName

      public static QName getPortTypeName(Class<?> implOrSeiClass)
      Gives portType QName from implementatorClass or SEI
      implOrSeiClass - cant be null
      wsdl:portType@name, null if it could not find the annotated class.
    • getPortTypeName

      public static QName getPortTypeName(Class<?> implOrSeiClass, MetadataReader metadataReader)
    • getPortTypeName

      public static QName getPortTypeName(Class<?> implOrSeiClass, String tns, MetadataReader reader)
    • erasure

      public static Class erasure(Type type)