Class UnknownSequenceException

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public final class UnknownSequenceException extends AbstractSoapFaultException
Inicates that the sequence with given sequence identifier is not available. This exceptions is used under the following conditions:
  • sequence with such sequenceId is not registered with a given sequence manager
SOAP Fault data as per WS-RM spec: Properties: [Code] Sender [Subcode] wsrm:UnknownSequence [Reason] The value of wsrm:Identifier is not a known Sequence identifier. [Detail] <wsrm:Identifier ...> xs:anyURI </wsrm:Identifier> Generated by: RM Source or RM Destination. Condition : In response to a message containing an unknown or terminated Sequence identifier. Action Upon Generation : None. Action Upon Receipt : MUST terminate the Sequence if not otherwise terminated.
Marek Potociar (marek.potociar at
See Also: