Class WSEndpointMOMProxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Component, ComponentRegistry, Closeable, AutoCloseable, ManagedObjectManager

public class WSEndpointMOMProxy extends WSEndpoint implements ManagedObjectManager
ManagedObjectManager proxy class for WSEndpointImpl instances that could be used when Gmbal API calls need to be deferred. The proxy tries to defer a need of a real ManagedObjectManager instance to the time when any method from ManagedObjectManager is invoked on it. In this case a real instance of ManagedObjectManager is obtained from WSEndpointImpl and the method is rather invoked on this object.
  • Method Details

    • getManagedObjectManager

      public ManagedObjectManager getManagedObjectManager()
      Returns a real instance of ManagedObjectManager
      Specified by:
      getManagedObjectManager in class WSEndpoint
      an ManagedObjectManager instance
    • isInitialized

      public boolean isInitialized()
      Returns true if this proxy contains a reference to real ManagedObjectManager instance, false otherwise.
      true if ManagedObjectManager has been created, false otherwise.
    • getWsEndpoint

      public WSEndpointImpl getWsEndpoint()
    • suspendJMXRegistration

      public void suspendJMXRegistration()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      If called, no MBeans created after this call will be registered with the JMX MBeanServer until resumeJMXRegistration is called. Each call increments a counter, so that nested and overlapping calls from multiple threads work correctly. May be called at any time.
      Specified by:
      suspendJMXRegistration in interface ManagedObjectManager
    • resumeJMXRegistration

      public void resumeJMXRegistration()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Decrements the suspend counter, if the counter is greater than 0. When the counter goes to zero, it causes all MBeans created since a previous call to suspendJMXRegistration incremented the counter from 0 to 1 to be registered with the JMX MBeanServer. After this call, all new MBean registration calls to the JMX MBeanServer happen within the register call. May be called at any time.
      Specified by:
      resumeJMXRegistration in interface ManagedObjectManager
    • isManagedObject

      public boolean isManagedObject(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Return true if object is assignment compatible with a class or interface that has an @ManagedObject annotation, otherwise false. Only such objects may be registered to create MBeans. May be called at any time.
      Specified by:
      isManagedObject in interface ManagedObjectManager
    • createRoot

      public GmbalMBean createRoot()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Create a default root MBean. One of the createRoot methods must be called before any of the registration methods may be called. Only one call to a createRoot method is permitted after an ManagedObjectManager is created.
      Specified by:
      createRoot in interface ManagedObjectManager
      A default root MBean which supports only the AMX attributes.
    • createRoot

      public GmbalMBean createRoot(Object root)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Create a root MBean from root, which much have a method with the @NameValue annotation. One of the createRoot methods must be called before any of the registration methods may be called. Only one call to createRoot is permitted after an ManagedObjectManager is created.
      Specified by:
      createRoot in interface ManagedObjectManager
      root - The Java object to be used to construct the root.
      The newly constructed MBean.
    • createRoot

      public GmbalMBean createRoot(Object root, String name)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Create a root MBean from root with the given name. One of the createRoot methods must be called before any of the registration methods may be called. Only one call to createRoot is permitted after an ManagedObjectManager is created.
      Specified by:
      createRoot in interface ManagedObjectManager
      root - The Java object to be used to construct the root.
      name - The ObjectName name field to be used in the ObjectName of the MBean constructed from root.
      The newly constructed MBean.
    • getRoot

      public Object getRoot()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Return the root of this ManagedObjectManager. May be called at any time.
      Specified by:
      getRoot in interface ManagedObjectManager
      the root constructed in a createRoot operation, or null if called before a createRoot call.
    • register

      public GmbalMBean register(Object parent, Object obj, String name)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Construct an Open Mean for obj according to its annotations, and register it with domain getDomain() and the appropriate ObjectName. The MBeanServer from setMBeanServer (or its default) is used. Here parent is considered to contain obj, and this containment is represented by the construction of the ObjectName following the AMX specification for ObjectNames.

      The MBeanInfo for the result is actually ModelMBeanInfo, and may contain extra metadata as defined using annotations defined with the @DescriptorKey and @DescriptorField meta-annotations.

      Must be called after a successful createRoot call.

      This version of register should not be used to register singletons.

      Specified by:
      register in interface ManagedObjectManager
      parent - The parent object that contains obj.
      obj - The managed object we are registering.
      name - The name to use for registering this object.
      The MBean constructed from obj.
    • register

      public GmbalMBean register(Object parent, Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Same as register( parent, obj, name ), but here the name is derived from an @NameValue annotation.

      This version of register should also be used to register singletons.

      Specified by:
      register in interface ManagedObjectManager
      parent - The parent object that contains obj.
      obj - The managed object we are registering.
      The MBean constructed from obj.
    • registerAtRoot

      public GmbalMBean registerAtRoot(Object obj, String name)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Registers the MBean for obj at the root MBean for the ObjectManager, using the given name. Exactly the same as mom.register( mom.getRoot(), obj, name ).

      Must be called after a successful createRoot call.

      This version of register should not be used to register singletons.

      Specified by:
      registerAtRoot in interface ManagedObjectManager
      obj - The object for which we construct and register an MBean.
      name - The name of the MBean.
      The MBean constructed from obj.
    • registerAtRoot

      public GmbalMBean registerAtRoot(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Same as registerAtRoot( Object, String ), but here the name is derived from an @ObjectKeyName annotation. Exactly the same as mom.register( mom.getRoot(), obj ).

      This version of register should also be used to register singletons.

      Specified by:
      registerAtRoot in interface ManagedObjectManager
      obj - The managed object we are registering.
      The MBean constructed from obj.
    • unregister

      public void unregister(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Unregister the Open MBean corresponding to obj from the mbean server.

      Must be called after a successful createRoot call.

      Specified by:
      unregister in interface ManagedObjectManager
      obj - The object originally passed to a register method.
    • getObjectName

      public ObjectName getObjectName(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Get the ObjectName for the given object (which must have been registered via a register call).

      Must be called after a successful createRoot call.

      Specified by:
      getObjectName in interface ManagedObjectManager
      obj - The object originally passed to a register call.
      The ObjectName used to register the MBean.
    • getAMXClient

      public AMXClient getAMXClient(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Get an AMXClient instance for the object obj, if obj is registered as an MBean in this mom.

      Must be called after a successful createRoot call.

      Specified by:
      getAMXClient in interface ManagedObjectManager
      obj - The object corresponding to an MBean.
      An AMXClient that acts as a proxy for this MBean.
    • getObject

      public Object getObject(ObjectName oname)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Get the Object that was registered with the given ObjectName. Note that getObject and getObjectName are inverse operations.

      Must be called after a successful createRoot call.

      Specified by:
      getObject in interface ManagedObjectManager
      oname - The ObjectName used to register the object.
      The Object passed to the register call.
    • stripPrefix

      public void stripPrefix(String... str)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Add a type prefix to strip from type names, to shorten the names for a better presentation to the user. This may only be called before a createRot method is called.
      Specified by:
      stripPrefix in interface ManagedObjectManager
      str - Class package name to strip from type name.
    • stripPackagePrefix

      public void stripPackagePrefix()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Change the default type name algorithm so that if nothing else applies, the entire package prefix is stripped form the Class name. Otherwise, the full Class name is the type.
      Specified by:
      stripPackagePrefix in interface ManagedObjectManager
    • getDomain

      public String getDomain()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Return the domain name that was used when this ManagedObjectManager was created. This is the JMX domain that will be used in all ObjectNames created by this ManagedObjectManager.

      May be called at any time.

      Specified by:
      getDomain in interface ManagedObjectManager
      Get the domain name for this ManagedObjectManager.
    • setMBeanServer

      public void setMBeanServer(MBeanServer server)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Set the MBeanServer to which all MBeans using this interface are published. The default value is

      Must be called before a successful createRoot call.

      Specified by:
      setMBeanServer in interface ManagedObjectManager
      server - The MBeanServer to set as the MBeanServer for this ManagedObjectManager.
    • getMBeanServer

      public MBeanServer getMBeanServer()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Get the current MBeanServer.

      May be called at any time.

      Specified by:
      getMBeanServer in interface ManagedObjectManager
      The current MBeanServer, either the default, or the value passed to setMBeanServer.
    • setResourceBundle

      public void setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle rb)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Set the ResourceBundle to use for getting localized descriptions. If not set, the description is the value in the annotation.

      Must be called before a successful call to a createRoot method.

      Specified by:
      setResourceBundle in interface ManagedObjectManager
      rb - The resource bundle to use. May be null.
    • getResourceBundle

      public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Get the resource bundle (if any) set by setResourceBundle.

      May be called at any time.

      Specified by:
      getResourceBundle in interface ManagedObjectManager
      The resource bundle set by setResourceBundle: may be null.
    • addAnnotation

      public void addAnnotation(AnnotatedElement element, Annotation annotation)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Method to add an annotation to an element that cannot be modified. This is typically needed when dealing with an implementation of an interface that is part of a standardized API, and so the interface cannot be annotated by modifiying the source code. In some cases the implementation of the interface also cannot be inherited, because the implementation is generated by a standardized code generator. Another possibility is that there are several different implementations of the standardized interface, and it is undesirable to annotate each implementation with @InheritedAttributes.
      Specified by:
      addAnnotation in interface ManagedObjectManager
      element - The annotated element (class or method for our purposes).
      annotation - The annotation we wish to add to the element.
    • addInheritedAnnotations

      public void addInheritedAnnotations(Class<?> cls)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Add all annotations for this class as if they were declared on the inheritance parent(s) of the class (immediate superclass for a class, all immediate superinterfaces for an interface). Also add all method annotations for methods that override an inherited method. This acts as if all annotations on cls were actually applied to the immediate super class or interface.
      Specified by:
      addInheritedAnnotations in interface ManagedObjectManager
      cls - Class to analyze for inherited annotations.
    • setRegistrationDebug

      public void setRegistrationDebug(ManagedObjectManager.RegistrationDebugLevel level)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Print debug output to System.out.

      May be called at any time.

      Specified by:
      setRegistrationDebug in interface ManagedObjectManager
      level - NONE is no debugging at all, NORMAL traces high-level construction of skeletons and type converters, and dumps results of new skeletons and type converters, FINE traces everything in great detail. The tracing is done with INFO-level logger calls. The logger name is that package name (org.glassfish.gmbal.impl).
    • setRuntimeDebug

      public void setRuntimeDebug(boolean flag)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Enable generation of debug log at INFO level for runtime MBean operations to the org.glassfish.gmbal.impl logger.

      May be called at any time.

      Specified by:
      setRuntimeDebug in interface ManagedObjectManager
      flag - true to enable runtime debug, false to disable.
    • setTypelibDebug

      public void setTypelibDebug(int level)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Enabled generation of debug log for type evaluator debugging. This happens as part of the registration process for the first time a particular class is processed.

      May be called at any time.

      Specified by:
      setTypelibDebug in interface ManagedObjectManager
      level - set to 1 to just see the results of the TypeEvaluator, >1 to see lots of details. WARNING: values >1 will result in a large amount of output.
    • setJMXRegistrationDebug

      public void setJMXRegistrationDebug(boolean flag)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Set debugging for JMX registrations. If true, all registrations and deregistrations with the MBeanServer are traced.
      Specified by:
      setJMXRegistrationDebug in interface ManagedObjectManager
      flag - True to enalbed registration tracing.
    • dumpSkeleton

      public String dumpSkeleton(Object obj)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Dump the skeleton used in the implementation of the MBean for obj. Obj must be currently registered.

      Must be called after a successful call to a createRoot method.

      Specified by:
      dumpSkeleton in interface ManagedObjectManager
      obj - The registered object whose skeleton should be displayed.
      The string representation of the skeleton.
    • suppressDuplicateRootReport

      public void suppressDuplicateRootReport(boolean suppressReport)
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Suppress reporting of a duplicate root name. If this option is enabled, createRoot( Object ) and createRoot( Object, String ) will return null for a duplicate root name, otherwise a Gmbal error will be reported. Note that this applies ONLY to createRoot: the register methods are unaffected. Also note that any other errors that might occur on createRoot will be reported normally.

      Must be called before a successful call to a createRoot method.

      Specified by:
      suppressDuplicateRootReport in interface ManagedObjectManager
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • equalsProxiedInstance

      public boolean equalsProxiedInstance(WSEndpoint endpoint)
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Used for managed endpoints infrastructure to compare equality of proxies vs proxied endpoints.
      equalsProxiedInstance in class WSEndpoint
      true if the proxied endpoint instance held by this instance equals to 'endpoint', otherwise return false.
    • createCodec

      public Codec createCodec()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Gets the Endpoint's codec that is used to encode/decode Messages. This is a copy of the master codec and it shouldn't be shared across two requests running concurrently(unless it is stateless).
      Specified by:
      createCodec in class WSEndpoint
      codec to encode/decode
    • getServiceName

      public QName getServiceName()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Gets the application endpoint's serviceName. It could be got from DD or annotations
      Specified by:
      getServiceName in class WSEndpoint
      same as wsdl:service QName if WSDL exists or generated
    • getPortName

      public QName getPortName()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Gets the application endpoint's portName. It could be got from DD or annotations
      Specified by:
      getPortName in class WSEndpoint
      same as wsdl:port QName if WSDL exists or generated
    • getImplementationClass

      public Class getImplementationClass()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Specified by:
      getImplementationClass in class WSEndpoint
    • getBinding

      public WSBinding getBinding()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Represents the binding for which this WSEndpoint is created for.
      Specified by:
      getBinding in class WSEndpoint
      always same object.
    • getContainer

      public Container getContainer()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Gets the Container object.

      The components inside WSEndpoint uses this reference to communicate with the hosting environment.

      Specified by:
      getContainer in class WSEndpoint
      always same object. If no "real" Container instance is given, Container.NONE will be returned.
    • getPort

      public WSDLPort getPort()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Gets the port that this endpoint is serving.

      A service is not required to have a WSDL, and when it doesn't, this method returns null. Otherwise it returns an object that describes the port that this WSEndpoint is serving.

      Specified by:
      getPort in class WSEndpoint
      Possibly null, but always the same value.
    • setExecutor

      public void setExecutor(Executor exec)
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Set this Executor to run asynchronous requests using this executor. This executor is set on Engine and must be set before calling WSEndpoint.schedule(Packet,CompletionCallback) and WSEndpoint.schedule(Packet,CompletionCallback,FiberContextSwitchInterceptor) methods.
      Specified by:
      setExecutor in class WSEndpoint
      exec - Executor to run async requests
    • schedule

      public void schedule(Packet request, WSEndpoint.CompletionCallback callback, FiberContextSwitchInterceptor interceptor)
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Schedule invocation of web service asynchronously.
      Specified by:
      schedule in class WSEndpoint
      request - web service request
      callback - callback to get response packet(exception if there is one)
      interceptor - caller's interceptor to impose a context of execution
      See Also:
    • createPipeHead

      public WSEndpoint.PipeHead createPipeHead()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Creates a new WSEndpoint.PipeHead to process incoming requests.

      This is not a cheap operation. The caller is expected to reuse the returned WSEndpoint.PipeHead. See class javadoc for details.

      Specified by:
      createPipeHead in class WSEndpoint
      A newly created WSEndpoint.PipeHead that's ready to serve.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Indicates that the WSEndpoint is about to be turned off, and will no longer serve any packet anymore.

      This method needs to be invoked for the JAX-WS RI to correctly implement some of the spec semantics (TODO: pointer.) It's the responsibility of the code that hosts a WSEndpoint to invoke this method.

      Once this method is called, the behavior is undefed for all in-progress WSEndpoint.PipeHead.process(,, methods (by other threads) and future WSEndpoint.PipeHead.process(,, method invocations.

      Specified by:
      dispose in class WSEndpoint
    • getServiceDefinition

      public ServiceDefinition getServiceDefinition()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Gets the description of the service.

      A description is a set of WSDL/schema and other documents that together describes a service. A service is not required to have a description, and when it doesn't, this method returns null.

      Specified by:
      getServiceDefinition in class WSEndpoint
      Possibly null, always the same value under ordinary circumstances but may change if the endpoint is managed.
    • getSEIModel

      public SEIModel getSEIModel()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Gets the SEIModel that represents the relationship between WSDL and Java SEI.

      This method returns a non-null value if and only if this endpoint is ultimately serving an application through an SEI.

      Specified by:
      getSEIModel in class WSEndpoint
      maybe null. See above for more discussion. Always the same value.
    • getPolicyMap

      public PolicyMap getPolicyMap()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Gives the PolicMap that captures the Policy for the endpoint
      Specified by:
      getPolicyMap in class WSEndpoint
    • closeManagedObjectManager

      public void closeManagedObjectManager()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Close the ManagedObjectManager for this endpoint. This is used by the Web Service Configuration Management system so that it closes the MOM before it creates a new WSEndpoint. Then it calls dispose on the existing endpoint and then installs the new endpoint. The call to dispose also calls closeManagedObjectManager, but is a noop if that method has already been called.
      Specified by:
      closeManagedObjectManager in class WSEndpoint
    • getAssemblerContext

      public ServerTubeAssemblerContext getAssemblerContext()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      This is only needed to expose info for monitoring.
      Specified by:
      getAssemblerContext in class WSEndpoint
    • getEndpointReference

      public getEndpointReference(Class clazz, String address, String wsdlAddress, Element... referenceParameters)
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Return EndpointReference instance, based on passed parameters and spec version represented by clazz
      Specified by:
      getEndpointReference in class WSEndpoint
      clazz - represents spec version
      address - endpoint address
      wsdlAddress - wsdl address
      referenceParameters - any reference parameters to be added to the instance
      EndpointReference instance based on passed parameters and values obtained from current instance
    • getEndpointReference

      public getEndpointReference(Class clazz, String address, String wsdlAddress, List metadata, List referenceParameters)
      Specified by:
      getEndpointReference in class WSEndpoint
      EndpointReference instance based on passed parameters and values obtained from current instance
    • getOperationDispatcher

      public OperationDispatcher getOperationDispatcher()
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      Nullable when there is no associated WSDL Model
      Specified by:
      getOperationDispatcher in class WSEndpoint
    • createServiceResponseForException

      public Packet createServiceResponseForException(ThrowableContainerPropertySet tc, Packet responsePacket, SOAPVersion soapVersion, WSDLPort wsdlPort, SEIModel seiModel, WSBinding binding)
      Description copied from class: WSEndpoint
      This is used by WsaServerTube and WSEndpointImpl to create a Packet with SOAPFault message from a Java exception.
      Specified by:
      createServiceResponseForException in class WSEndpoint
    • getObjectRegistrationManager

      public ObjectRegistrationManager getObjectRegistrationManager()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedObjectManager
      Return an ObjectRegistrationManager as required in the pfl timer services.

      Can be called at any time.

      Specified by:
      getObjectRegistrationManager in interface ManagedObjectManager