Package org.glassfish.external.statistics

package org.glassfish.external.statistics
  • Interfaces
    An interface that Specifies standard measurements of the lowest and highest values an attribute has held as well as its current value.
    Specifies standard measurements of the upper and lower limits of the value of an attribute.
    The BoundedRangeStatistic model aggregates the attributes of RangeStatistic and BoundaryStatistic and provides standard measurements of a range that has fixed limits.
    Specifies standard count measurements.
    Specifies standard measurements of the lowest and highest values an attribute has held as well as its current value.
    The Statistic model and its sub-models specify the data models which are requried to be used to provide the performance data described by the specific attributes in the Stats models.
    Custom statistic type created for the Sun ONE Application Server.
    Specifies standard timing measurements.