Annotation Type ManagedData

@Documented @Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface ManagedData
This annotation defines CompositeData. An interface or class annotated as @ManagedData has a corresponding CompositeData instance constructed according to the @ManagedAttribute annotations on its methods. All inherited annotated methods are included. In the case of conflicts, the most derived method is used (that is the method declared in the method closest to the class annotated as @ManagedData).
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The name of the ManagedData.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The name of the ManagedData.

      Gmbal determines the ManagedData name as follows:

      1. If the class has a final static field of type String with the name "GMBAL_TYPE", the value of the field is the ManagedData name.
      2. Otherwise, if the class has an @ManagedData annotation, and the value of the name is not "", the value of the name is the ManagedData name.
      3. Otherwise, if the package prefix of the class name matches one of the type prefixes added by an stripPrefix call to the ManagedObjectManager, the ManagedData name is the full class name with the matching prefix removed.
      4. Otherwise, if the stripPackagePrefix method was called on the ManagedObjectManager, the ManagedData name is the class name without any package prefixes.
      5. Otherwise, the ManagedData name is the class name.