Interface EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FastInfosetDefaultHandler, SAXDocumentSerializer, SAXDocumentSerializerWithPrefixMapping

public interface EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler
SAX2 extention handler to receive notification of encoding algorithm data.

This is an optional extension handler for SAX2. XML readers are not required to recognize this handler, and it is not part of core-only SAX2 distributions.

This interface may be used with with a Fast Infoset SAX parser to receive notification of encoding algorithm data specified in ITU-T Rec. X.891 | ISO/IEC 24824-1 (Fast Infoset) clause 10 and for application defined encoding algorithms specified as part of the initial vocabulary of a fast infoset document.

To set the EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler for an XML reader, use the setProperty method with the property name URI TO BE DEFINED and an object implementing this interface (or null) as the value. If the reader does not report primitive data types, it will throw a SAXNotRecognizedException

To set the EncodingAlgorithmContentHandler for an Fast Infoset reader, use setEncodingAlgorithmContentHandler method.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    object(String URI, int algorithm, Object o)
    Receive notification of encoding algorithm data as an object.
    octets(String URI, int algorithm, byte[] b, int start, int length)
    Receive notification of encoding algorithm data as an array of byte.
  • Method Details

    • octets

      void octets(String URI, int algorithm, byte[] b, int start, int length) throws SAXException
      Receive notification of encoding algorithm data as an array of byte.

      The application must not attempt to read from the array outside of the specified range.

      Such notifications will occur for a Fast Infoset SAX parser when processing encoding algorithm data.

      The Parser will call the method of this interface to report each encoding algorithm data. Parsers MUST return all contiguous characters in a single chunk

      Parsers may return all contiguous bytes in a single chunk, or they may split it into several chunks providing that the length of each chunk is of the required length to successfully apply the encoding algorithm to the chunk.

      URI - the URI of the encoding algorithm
      algorithm - the encoding algorithm index
      b - the array of byte
      start - the start position in the array
      length - the number of byte to read from the array
      SAXException - any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception
      See Also:
    • object

      void object(String URI, int algorithm, Object o) throws SAXException
      Receive notification of encoding algorithm data as an object.

      Such notifications will occur for a Fast Infoset SAX parser when processing encoding algorithm data that is converted from an array of byte to an object more suitable for processing.

      URI - the URI of the encoding algorithm
      algorithm - the encoding algorithm index
      o - the encoding algorithm object
      SAXException - any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception
      See Also: