Interface FieldAccessor

    • Method Detail

      • toRawValue

        void toRawValue​(JBlock block,
                        JVar $var)
        Dumps everything in this field into the given variable.

        This generates code that accesses the field from outside.

        block - The code will be generated into this block.
        $var - Variable whose type is FieldOutline.getRawType()
      • fromRawValue

        void fromRawValue​(JBlock block,
                          String uniqueName,
                          JExpression $var)
        Sets the value of the field from the specified expression.

        This generates code that accesses the field from outside.

        block - The code will be generated into this block.
        uniqueName - Identifier that the caller guarantees to be unique in the given block. When the callee needs to produce additional variables, it can do so by adding suffixes to this unique name. For example, if the uniqueName is "abc", then the caller guarantees that any identifier "abc.*" is unused in this block.
        $var - The expression that evaluates to a value of the type FieldOutline.getRawType().
      • unsetValues

        void unsetValues​(JBlock body)
        Generates a code fragment to remove any "set" value and move this field to the "unset" state.
        body - The code will be appended at the end of this block.
      • hasSetValue

        JExpression hasSetValue()
        Return an expression that evaluates to true only when this field has a set value(s).
        null if the isSetXXX/unsetXXX method does not make sense for the given field.
      • getPropertyInfo

        CPropertyInfo getPropertyInfo()
        Short for owner().getPropertyInfo()