Interface PackageOutline

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PackageOutline
    Outline object that provides per-package information. This interface is accessible from Outline.
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi ([email protected])
    • Method Detail

      • _package

        JPackage _package()
        The exposed package this context is representing.

        An exposed package is a package visible to users, a package supposed to be used by client applications. Sometime we have another parallel package that's not visible to users.

      • objectFactory

        JDefinedClass objectFactory()
        Generated ObjectFactory from package. This method allows a caller to obtain a reference to such ObjectFactory from its package. Must not be null.
      • objectFactoryGenerator

        ObjectFactoryGenerator objectFactoryGenerator()
        Generates an ObjectFactory class for this package.
      • getMostUsedNamespaceURI

        String getMostUsedNamespaceURI()
        The namespace URI most commonly used in classes in this package. This should be used as the namespace URI for XmlSchema.namespace().

        Null if no default

      • getElementFormDefault

        jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm getElementFormDefault()
        The element form default for this package.

        The value is computed by examining what would yield the smallest generated code.

      • getAttributeFormDefault

        jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm getAttributeFormDefault()
        The attribute form default for this package.

        The value is computed by examining what would yield the smallest generated code.