Class SOAPExtensionHandler

    • Method Detail

      • handleDefinitionsExtension

        public boolean handleDefinitionsExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                                  TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                                  Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:definitions
        handleDefinitionsExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handleTypesExtension

        public boolean handleTypesExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                            TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                            Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:type
        handleTypesExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handleBindingExtension

        public boolean handleBindingExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                              TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                              Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:binding
        handleBindingExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handleOperationExtension

        public boolean handleOperationExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                                TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                                Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation.
        handleOperationExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handleInputExtension

        public boolean handleInputExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                            TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                            Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:input
        handleInputExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handleOutputExtension

        public boolean handleOutputExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                             TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                             Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:output
        handleOutputExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handleMIMEPartExtension

        protected boolean handleMIMEPartExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                                  TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                                  Element e)
        Description copied from class: AbstractExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:mime
        handleMIMEPartExtension in class AbstractExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handleFaultExtension

        public boolean handleFaultExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                            TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                            Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:fault
        handleFaultExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handleServiceExtension

        public boolean handleServiceExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                              TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                              Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:service
        handleServiceExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handlePortExtension

        public boolean handlePortExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                           TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                           Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:port
        handlePortExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • handlePortTypeExtension

        public boolean handlePortTypeExtension​(TWSDLParserContext context,
                                               TWSDLExtensible parent,
                                               Element e)
        Description copied from class: TWSDLExtensionHandler
        Callback for wsdl:portType
        handlePortTypeExtension in class TWSDLExtensionHandler
        context - Parser context that will be passed on by the wsdl parser
        parent - The Parent element within which the extensibility element is defined
        e - The extensibility elemenet
        false if there was some error during the extension handling otherwise returns true. If returned false then the WSDL parser can abort if the wsdl extensibility element had required attribute set to true
      • getBodyQName

        protected QName getBodyQName()
      • getHeaderQName

        protected QName getHeaderQName()
      • getHeaderfaultQName

        protected QName getHeaderfaultQName()
      • getOperationQName

        protected QName getOperationQName()
      • getFaultQName

        protected QName getFaultQName()
      • getAddressQName

        protected QName getAddressQName()
      • getBindingQName

        protected QName getBindingQName()