Class SingleStreamCodeWriter

  • public class SingleStreamCodeWriter
    extends CodeWriter
    Output all source files into a single stream with a little formatting header in front of each file. This is primarily for human consumption of the generated source code, such as to debug/test CodeModel or to quickly inspect the result.
    Kohsuke Kawaguchi ([email protected])
    • Constructor Detail

      • SingleStreamCodeWriter

        public SingleStreamCodeWriter​(OutputStream os)
        os - This stream will be closed at the end of the code generation.
    • Method Detail

      • openBinary

        public OutputStream openBinary​(JPackage pkg,
                                       String fileName)
                                throws IOException
        Description copied from class: CodeWriter
        Called by CodeModel to store the specified file. The callee must allocate a storage to store the specified file.

        The returned stream will be closed before the next file is stored. So the callee can assume that only one OutputStream is active at any given time.

        Specified by:
        openBinary in class CodeWriter
        pkg - The package of the file to be written.
        fileName - File name without the path. Something like "" or ""