Class BIEnum

    • Field Detail

      • className

        public String className
        Gets the specified class name, or null if not specified.
      • javadoc

        public final String javadoc
        Gets the javadoc comment specified in the customization. Can be null if none is specified.
      • members

        public final Map<String,​BIEnumMember> members
        Gets the map that contains XML value -> BIEnumMember pairs. This table is built from <enumMember> customizations. Always return non-null.
      • NAME

        public static final QName NAME
        Name of this declaration.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BIEnum

        public BIEnum()
    • Method Detail

      • isMapped

        public boolean isMapped()
      • getName

        public QName getName()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Gets the name of this binding declaration, which is the same as the tag name of the binding element.
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(BindInfo p)
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Sets the parent BindInfo object of this declaration. A declaration object can use this pointer to access context information, such as other customizations.

        This method can be only called from BindInfo, and only once. This is a good opportunity to do some follow-up initialization after JAXB unmarshalling populated BIDeclaration.

        Specified by:
        setParent in interface BIDeclaration
      • getLocation

        public Locator getLocation()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Gets the source location where this declaration was written. For declarations that are generated by XJC itself, this method returns null.
        Specified by:
        getLocation in interface BIDeclaration
      • getBuilder

        protected final BGMBuilder getBuilder()
      • getCodeModel

        protected final JCodeModel getCodeModel()
      • isAcknowledged

        public final boolean isAcknowledged()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Checks if this declaration was acknowledged.
        Specified by:
        isAcknowledged in interface BIDeclaration
      • onSetOwner

        public void onSetOwner()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Called when the parent BindInfo got its owner set. This is when declarations are connected to BGMBuilder and its sibling components.
        Specified by:
        onSetOwner in interface BIDeclaration
      • markAsAcknowledged

        public void markAsAcknowledged()
        Description copied from interface: BIDeclaration
        Marks this declaration to be acknowledged -- either actually used or the existence is admitted (for example when a property customization is given at the point of definition.)

        Declarations that are not acknowledged will be considered as an error.

        Specified by:
        markAsAcknowledged in interface BIDeclaration