Class Options


public class Options extends Object
Global options.

This class stores invocation configuration for XJC. The configuration in this class should be abstract enough so that it could be parsed from both command-line or Ant.

  • Field Details

    • debugMode

      public boolean debugMode
      If "-debug" is specified.
    • verbose

      public boolean verbose
      If the "-verbose" option is specified.
    • quiet

      public boolean quiet
      If the "-quiet" option is specified.
    • readOnly

      public boolean readOnly
      If the -readOnly option is specified.
    • noFileHeader

      public boolean noFileHeader
      No file header comment (to be more friendly with diff.)
    • enableIntrospection

      public boolean enableIntrospection
      When on, fixes getter/setter generation to match the Bean Introspection API
    • contentForWildcard

      public boolean contentForWildcard
      When on, generates content property for types with multiple xs:any derived elements (which is supposed to be correct behaviour)
    • encoding

      public String encoding
      Encoding to be used by generated java sources, null for platform default.
    • disableXmlSecurity

      public boolean disableXmlSecurity
      If true XML security features when parsing XML documents will be disabled. The default value is false.


    • strictCheck

      public boolean strictCheck
      Check the source schemas with extra scrutiny. The exact meaning depends on the schema language.
    • runtime14

      public boolean runtime14
      If -explicit-annotation option is specified.

      This generates code that works around issues specific to 1.4 runtime.

    • automaticNameConflictResolution

      public boolean automaticNameConflictResolution
      If true, try to resolve name conflicts automatically by assigning mechanical numbers.
    • STRICT

      public static final int STRICT
      strictly follow the compatibility rules and reject schemas that contain features from App. E.2, use vendor binding extensions
      See Also:

      public static final int EXTENSION
      loosely follow the compatibility rules and allow the use of vendor binding extensions
      See Also:
    • compatibilityMode

      public int compatibilityMode
      this switch determines how carefully the compiler will follow the compatibility rules in the spec. Either STRICT or EXTENSION.
    • classNameReplacer

      public final Map<String,String> classNameReplacer
    • target

      public SpecVersion target
      Generates output for the specified version of the runtime.
    • targetDir

      public File targetDir
      Target directory when producing files.

      This field is not used when XJC is driven through the XJC API. Plugins that need to generate extra files should do so by using JPackage.addResourceFile(JResourceFile).

    • entityResolver

      public EntityResolver entityResolver
      On JDK 8 an odler stores CatalogResolver, but the field type is made to EntityResolver so that XJC can be used even if resolver.jar is not available in the classpath.
    • defaultPackage

      public String defaultPackage
      The -p option that should control the default Java package that will contain the generated code. Null if unspecified.
    • defaultPackage2

      public String defaultPackage2
      Similar to the -p option, but this one works with a lower priority, and customizations overrides this. Used by JAX-RPC.
    • proxyAuth

      public String proxyAuth
    • activePlugins

      public final List<Plugin> activePlugins
      Plugins that are enabled in this compilation.
    • pluginURIs

      public final Set<String> pluginURIs
      Set of URIs that plug-ins recognize as extension bindings.
    • classNameAllocator

      public ClassNameAllocator classNameAllocator
      This allocator has the final say on deciding the class name.
    • packageLevelAnnotations

      public boolean packageLevelAnnotations
      This switch controls whether or not xjc will generate package level annotations
    • classpaths

      public final List<URL> classpaths
  • Constructor Details

    • Options

      public Options()
  • Method Details

    • isExtensionMode

      public boolean isExtensionMode()
    • getFieldRendererFactory

      public FieldRendererFactory getFieldRendererFactory()
      Gets the active FieldRendererFactory that shall be used to build Model.
      always non-null.
    • setFieldRendererFactory

      public void setFieldRendererFactory(FieldRendererFactory frf, Plugin owner) throws BadCommandLineException
      Sets the FieldRendererFactory.

      This method is for plugins to call to set a custom FieldRendererFactory.

      frf - The FieldRendererFactory to be installed. Must not be null.
      owner - Identifies the plugin that owns this FieldRendererFactory. When two Plugins try to call this method, this allows XJC to report it as a user-friendly error message.
      BadCommandLineException - If a conflit happens, this exception carries a user-friendly error message, indicating a conflict.
    • getNameConverter

      public NameConverter getNameConverter()
      Gets the active NameConverter that shall be used to build Model.
      can be null, in which case it's up to the binding.
    • setNameConverter

      public void setNameConverter(NameConverter nc, Plugin owner) throws BadCommandLineException
      Sets the NameConverter.

      This method is for plugins to call to set a custom NameConverter.

      nc - The NameConverter to be installed. Must not be null.
      owner - Identifies the plugin that owns this NameConverter. When two Plugins try to call this method, this allows XJC to report it as a user-friendly error message.
      BadCommandLineException - If a conflit happens, this exception carries a user-friendly error message, indicating a conflict.
    • getAllPlugins

      public List<Plugin> getAllPlugins()
      Gets all the Plugins discovered so far.

      A plugins are enumerated when this method is called for the first time, by taking classpaths into account. That means "-cp plugin.jar" has to come before you specify options to enable it.

    • getSchemaLanguage

      public Language getSchemaLanguage()
    • setSchemaLanguage

      public void setSchemaLanguage(Language _schemaLanguage)
    • getGrammars

      public InputSource[] getGrammars()
      Input schema files.
    • addGrammar

      public void addGrammar(InputSource is)
      Adds a new input schema.
    • addGrammar

      public void addGrammar(File source)
    • addGrammarRecursive

      public void addGrammarRecursive(File dir)
      Recursively scan directories and add all XSD files in it.
    • getBindFiles

      public InputSource[] getBindFiles()
      Input external binding files.
    • addBindFile

      public void addBindFile(InputSource is)
      Adds a new binding file.
    • addBindFile

      public void addBindFile(File bindFile)
      Adds a new binding file.
    • addBindFileRecursive

      public void addBindFileRecursive(File dir)
      Recursively scan directories and add all ".xjb" files in it.
    • getUserClassLoader

      public ClassLoader getUserClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)
      Gets a classLoader that can load classes specified via the -classpath option.
    • getModuleName

      public String getModuleName()
      Gets Java module name option.
      Java module name option or null if this option was not set.
    • parseArgument

      public int parseArgument(String[] args, int i) throws BadCommandLineException
      Parses an option args[i] and return the number of tokens consumed.
      0 if the argument is not understood. Returning 0 will let the caller report an error.
      BadCommandLineException - If the callee wants to provide a custom message for an error.
    • requireArgument

      public String requireArgument(String optionName, String[] args, int i) throws BadCommandLineException
      Obtains an operand and reports an error if it's not there.
    • addCatalog

      public void addCatalog(File catalogFile) throws IOException
      Adds a new catalog file.Use created or existed resolver to parse new catalog file.
    • parseArguments

      public void parseArguments(String[] args) throws BadCommandLineException
      Parses arguments and fill fields of this object.
      BadCommandLineException - thrown when there's a problem in the command-line arguments
    • scanEpisodeFile

      public void scanEpisodeFile(File jar) throws BadCommandLineException
      Finds the META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode file to add as a binding customization.
    • guessSchemaLanguage

      public Language guessSchemaLanguage()
      Guesses the schema language.
    • createCodeWriter

      public CodeWriter createCodeWriter() throws IOException
      Creates a configured CodeWriter that produces files into the specified directory.
    • createCodeWriter

      public CodeWriter createCodeWriter(CodeWriter core)
      Creates a configured CodeWriter that produces files into the specified directory.
    • getPrologComment

      public String getPrologComment()
      Gets the string suitable to be used as the prolog comment baked into artifacts.This is the string like "This file was generated by the JAXB RI on YYYY/mm/dd..."
    • getBuildID

      public static String getBuildID()
    • normalizeSystemId

      public static String normalizeSystemId(String systemId)