Class ClassSelector


public final class ClassSelector extends BindingComponent
Manages association between XSComponents and generated CTypeInfos.

This class determines which component is mapped to (or is not mapped to) what types.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi ([email protected])
  • Constructor Details

    • ClassSelector

      public ClassSelector()
  • Method Details

    • getClassScope

      public CClassInfoParent getClassScope()
      Gets the current class scope.
    • pushClassScope

      public void pushClassScope(CClassInfoParent clsFctry)
    • popClassScope

      public void popClassScope()
    • getCurrentRoot

      public XSComponent getCurrentRoot()
    • getCurrentBean

      public CClassInfo getCurrentBean()
    • isBound

      public CElement isBound(XSElementDecl x, XSComponent referer)
      Checks if the given component is bound to a class.
    • bindToType

      public CTypeInfo bindToType(XSComponent sc, XSComponent referer)
      Checks if the given component is being mapped to a type. If so, build that type and return that object. If it is not being mapped to a type item, return null.
    • bindToType

      public CElement bindToType(XSElementDecl e, XSComponent referer)
    • bindToType

      public CClass bindToType(XSComplexType t, XSComponent referer, boolean cannotBeDelayed)
    • bindToType

      public TypeUse bindToType(XSType t, XSComponent referer)
    • executeTasks

      public void executeTasks()
      Runs all the pending build tasks.
    • queueBuild

      public void queueBuild(XSComponent sc, CElement bean)
    • getPackage

      public JPackage getPackage(String targetNamespace)
      Gets the Java package to which classes from this namespace should go.

      Usually, the getOuterClass method should be used to determine where to put a class.