Interface ClassNameAllocator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AutoClassNameAllocator, ClassNameAllocatorImpl

public interface ClassNameAllocator
Callback interface that allows the driver of the XJC API to rename JAXB-generated classes/interfaces/enums.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    assignClassName(String packageName, String className)
    Hook that allows the client of the XJC API to rename some of the JAXB-generated classes.
  • Method Details

    • assignClassName

      String assignClassName(String packageName, String className)
      Hook that allows the client of the XJC API to rename some of the JAXB-generated classes.

      When registered, this calllbcak is consulted for every package-level classes/interfaces/enums (hereafter, simply "classes") that the JAXB RI generates. Note that the JAXB RI does not use this allocator for nested/inner classes.

      If the allocator chooses to rename some classes. It is the allocator's responsibility to find unique names. If the returned name collides with other classes, the JAXB RI will report errors.

      packageName - The package name, such as "" or "". Never be null.
      className - The short name of the proposed class name. Such as "Foo" or "Bar". Never be null, never be empty. Always a valid Java identifier.
      The short name of the class name that should be used. The class will be generated into the same package with this name. The return value must be a valid Java identifier. May not be null.