Class DTDParser


public class DTDParser extends Object
This implements parsing of XML 1.0 DTDs.

This conforms to the portion of the XML 1.0 specification related to the external DTD subset.

For multi-language applications (such as web servers using XML processing to create dynamic content), a method supports choosing a locale for parser diagnostics which is both understood by the message recipient and supported by the parser.

This parser produces a stream of parse events. It supports some features (exposing comments, CDATA sections, and entity references) which are not required to be reported by conformant XML processors.

$Id:,v 1.2 2009-04-16 15:25:49 snajper Exp $
David Brownell, Janet Koenig, Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DTDParser

      public DTDParser()
      Constructs a DTDParser.
  • Method Details

    • setLocale

      public void setLocale(Locale l) throws SAXException
      Used by applications to request locale for diagnostics.
      l - The locale to use, or null to use system defaults (which may include only message IDs).
      SAXException - for errors
    • getLocale

      public Locale getLocale()
      Returns the diagnostic locale.
      the diagnostic locale
    • chooseLocale

      public Locale chooseLocale(String[] languages) throws SAXException
      Chooses a client locale to use for diagnostics, using the first language specified in the list that is supported by this parser. That locale is then set using setLocale(). Such a list could be provided by a variety of user preference mechanisms, including the HTTP Accept-Language header field.
      languages - Array of language specifiers, ordered with the most preferable one at the front. For example, "en-ca" then "fr-ca", followed by "zh_CN". Both RFC 1766 and Java styles are supported.
      The chosen locale, or null.
      SAXException - for errors
      See Also:
    • setEntityResolver

      public void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver r)
      Lets applications control entity resolution.
      r - EntityResolver
    • getEntityResolver

      public EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
      Returns the object used to resolve entities
      the object used to resolve entities
    • setDtdHandler

      public void setDtdHandler(DTDEventListener handler)
      Used by applications to set handling of DTD parsing events.
    • getDtdHandler

      public DTDEventListener getDtdHandler()
      Returns the handler used to for DTD parsing events.
      the handler
    • parse

      public void parse(InputSource in) throws IOException, SAXException
      Parse a DTD.
      IOException - for errors
      SAXException - for errors
    • parse

      public void parse(String uri) throws IOException, SAXException
      Parse a DTD.
      IOException - for errors
      SAXException - for errors
    • getPublicId

      public String getPublicId()
    • getSystemId

      public String getSystemId()
    • getLineNumber

      public int getLineNumber()
    • getColumnNumber

      public int getColumnNumber()