
API for programmatic invocation of XJC and schemagen.

This package provides a way to invoke XJC from within another program. The primary target of this API is the JAX-WS RI, but we hope that this API would be useful for other integration purposes as well.

Getting Started: Using XJC

To invoke XJC, a typical client would do something like this:

    SchemaCompiler sc = XJC.createSchemaCompiler();
    sc.parseSchema(new InputSource(schema1Url.toExternalForm()));
    sc.parseSchema(new InputSource(schema2Url.toExternalForm()));
    S2JModel model = sc.bind();

The bind operation causes XJC to do the bulk of the work, such as figuring out what classes to generate, what methods/fields to generate, etc. The obtained model contains useful introspective information about how the binding was performed (such as the mapping between XML types and generated Java classes)

Once the model is obtained, generate the code into the file system as follows:

   JCodeModel cm = model.generateCode( null, ... ); FileCodeWriter(outputDir));

Implementation Note

This package shouldn't contain any implementation code.

  • Class
    Callback interface that allows the driver of the XJC API to rename JAXB-generated classes/interfaces/enums.
    Implemented by the driver of the compiler engine to handle errors found during the compiliation.
    JAXBModel that exposes additional information available only for the java -> schema direction.
    Java-to-Schema compiler.
    The in-memory representation of the JAXB binding.
    JAXB-induced mapping between a Java class and an XML element declaration.
    Represents a property of a wrapper-style element.
    Reference to a JAXB type (from JAX-RPC.)
    JAXBModel that exposes additional information available only for the schema -> java direction.
    Schema-to-Java compiler.
    Represents the spec version constant.
    Java type and associated JAXB annotations.
    Entry point to the programatic API to access schema compiler (XJC) and schema generator (schemagen).