Interface InjectionProvider

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DiscoverableInjectionProvider, WebContainerInjectionProvider

    public interface InjectionProvider

    This interface defines an integration point for Jakarta EE vendors. Each vendor will need to provide an implementation of this interface which will provide the Faces implementation the necessary hooks to perform resource injection.

    The implementation of this interface *must* be thread-safe and must provider either a no-arg constructor, or a constructor accepting a ServletContext instance.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void inject​(Object managedBean)
      The implementation of this method must perform the following steps: Inject the supported resources per the Servlet 2.5 specification into the provided object
      void invokePostConstruct​(Object managedBean)
      The implemenation of this method must invoke any method marked with the @PostConstruct annotation (per the Common Annotations Specification).
      void invokePreDestroy​(Object managedBean)
      The implemenation of this method must invoke any method marked with the @PreDestroy annotation (per the Common Annotations Specification).
    • Method Detail

      • inject

        void inject​(Object managedBean)
             throws InjectionProviderException

        The implementation of this method must perform the following steps:

        • Inject the supported resources per the Servlet 2.5 specification into the provided object

        This method must not invoke any methods annotated with @PostConstruct

        managedBean - the target managed bean
        InjectionProviderException - if an error occurs during resource injection
      • invokePreDestroy

        void invokePreDestroy​(Object managedBean)
                       throws InjectionProviderException

        The implemenation of this method must invoke any method marked with the @PreDestroy annotation (per the Common Annotations Specification).

        managedBean - the target managed bean
        InjectionProviderException - if an error occurs when invoking the method annotated by the @PreDestroy annotation
      • invokePostConstruct

        void invokePostConstruct​(Object managedBean)
                          throws InjectionProviderException

        The implemenation of this method must invoke any method marked with the @PostConstruct annotation (per the Common Annotations Specification).

        managedBean - the target managed bean
        InjectionProviderException - if an error occurs when invoking the method annotated by the @PostConstruct annotation